Exciting, exciting!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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The Midwest
I am super excited this morning...today might just be the day that I pick out my bunny and get to bring him or her home!

I am planning on finally going to my coworker's house to see her foster rabbits. Ideally, I'd like to bring one of them home since they came from someone that came into the vet clinic where I work and relinquished them as she no longer could provide care for them. My coworker graciously took them in and has dealt with a myriad of health issues, new kits, and behavioral problems. I haven't seen the lot of them since I helped her set up for them and I know there are new kits in the mix as well as a different face to the rabbits I initially saw. All in all, there are 9 bunnies. I'm hoping one of them fits my personality and would be the right bun for me to adopt. But, if not, I'm planning on going to one of the local shelters to see if they have adoptables.

I have already set up the bunny's cage and have all of the supplies set and ready to go. I do need to stop at the store once I get said house rabbit so I can pick up Oxbow pellets and some additional toys. I'm set with hay and litter already. So, everything is in place for me to bring my new lovey home today! I am really happy, but also kind of anxious. This is a big deal for me and I want to ensure that I make the best decisions for me and for my new bun-bun.

I'm sure that I will post an update as soon as I get back home and everything has settled down. And, be sure that pics will follow as well! It's time to change two lives today - mine and my new house rabbit's. Wish me luck!
Good luck, I'm nearly as excited as you. Can't wait to see your new bunny, you seem really well prepared. This is going to be one lucky rabbit :)
That's exciting indeed :) Can't wait to see which bunny you are going to pick. Good luck!
Good luck and I know how you feel. Although we didn't rescue due to needing a show bun for 4-H. But exciting nontheless. Remember to give the bun a day or two to get acclimated to it's new home and don't get upset if he/she are a little nervous with you. Eventually they all come around you just have to give them time. I was lucky my daughter wanted a Polish and they are really sweet and outgoing and fearless for such a small bun. Your bun and you will have loads of fun!
Congrats! This does sound exciting. I look forward to hearing and seeing pictures of the rabbit you choose.
Well, I'm home, but without a rabbit. But, don't feel bad for me because, pending everything goes as planned, I'll be bringing my new house rabbit home on Tuesday evening!

I went to my coworker's house at about noon today. She had 9 bunnies that she had been fostering. All were sweet and as cute as could be. But, I just didn't feel a connection with any of them. I snuggled with the older buns and played with the kits, but there wasn't a spark. I felt awful telling my coworker that I didn't feel that my bunny was one of her fosters, but, in the end, she said that she saw that they just weren't the right fit. I did, however, talk to one of my friends looking for a bun to bond with her neutered male and she is going to meet up tomorrow with my coworker. So, hopefully there will a match made there. And, my coworker has one of her friends coming this evening to see the rabbits - it will be her first house bunny. I feel that her fosters will find their forever homes. But, unfortunately, it's just not with me.

After seeing my coworker's fosters, I was feeling a bit bummed. But, I called my mom and asked her if she wanted to go to the shelter with me to see if they had any bunnies for adoption. We got there and went into the small animal room and were met by a bunch of cuties. I love lops and was secretly hoping for one and they had 2 bucks and a doe. The bucks were both holland lops. They were both 2 years old, neutered, and black. Very cute, but they were extremely skittish. And, they were bonded to one another. The doe was a broken blue, spayed, 4 year old mini lop. They shelter also had 2 californian does and another new zealand doe. I'll be honest, I have never really loved the look of the above rabbits, but they were sweet. There was a lionhead buck that was a couple years old and not a fan of me (he tried to bite me time and time again) as well as a chocolate dutch doe who I fell in love with. But, it wasn't any of those rabbits that caught my eye. As I was cooing over the dutch bunny, I saw another bun out of the corner of my eye. The broken black rabbit was causing a ruckus in his pen in the corner of the room - he was hilarious! There he was, showing off - doing binkies, periscoping, and diving head first into his tunnel. I had to see this rabbit up close and personal!

It was love at first sight! And, after 15 minutes of play and cuddles, I adopted the little bugger! He is approximately 1 year old, male, and what they called and english spot mix. He is broken black in color and pattern and weighs in at a hair over 5 pounds. His story is sad, though. He was seized during a humane investigation in early November. He was extremely thin and had severe urine scald on his paws and bottom. Apparently, he was being medically treated and monitored from the time he was brought in until early last week when he went up for adoption. His personality is HUGE and he is so impossibly sweet despite what he went through. I didn't go in looking to adopt a bunny with his specific looks, but now I couldn't imagine having decided to adopt any other rabbit. He is handsome and cute all at once and he is the perfect bun for me. I'm happier than I have been in a long time and I cannot wait to bring him home on Tuesday.

He had to stay at the shelter until Tuesday as he will be neutered on Monday. I have already booked him a follow up appointment where I work on Friday so that he can be examined and his neuter can be rechecked. And, now that I know what type of bun (age, sex, size) I will be welcoming into my home, I plan on going out shopping tomorrow to buy all the things that every bunny wants. He will surely be spoiled and much loved! Now, if he only had a name...
Darn it! I just looked on the shelter's website to see if he was shown as an adoptable pet. But, he either was never on the site or has been pulled since he is now adopted. I just wanted to mention that, while I know that the shelter called him an english spot mix, I see no english spot in him. He is smaller (though he will likely continue to fill out as he is still a tad underweight) and not built like an english spot. My guess is that my new house rabbit is really a mutt bunny :biggrin:.
So glad you've found your heart bun and he sounds like a lovely little guy. I'm sure a name will come to you once you get him home and he settles in. He is one lucky bunny and after his bad start in life looks like he's got lucky. Can't wait to see pics, roll on Tuesday :)
Congratulations on finding your perfect bunny! I can't wait to see pictures of him :)
Congratulations to you & your new soon-to-be home bunny!!!! :balloons:
Hope your friend can find great homes for her bunnies in need of new homes! Everybun deserves a wonderful bunny home of their own!
Congrats! He sounds like a great bunny. I look forward to seeing his pictures. Do you know what you are going to name him?
Thank y'all for your congratulations. I am still super excited. But, I'm finding myself a little down tonight since I have everything set up, but no bunny. I'm also feeling anxious because I'm worried something will happen and I won't be able to bring him home. My mother is picking him up on Tuesday since I'll be at work past the time when the shelter closes. They said it wouldn't be an issue since I already paid the adoption fee and have a receipt. But, I'm worried nonetheless.

As far as names are concerned, I've got no idea! I'm prone to using people names for pets, but anything is possible at this point. I'm almost too afraid to start thinking of names. I just want to bring him home so badly. Apparently, I should work on my patience skills - it's a virtue I don't have!

When he gets home, be certain that I'll give updates as well as take a thousand pictures to post here. But, until then, if you could spare a thought or two that everything works out, I'd be thankful.
Sending positive thoughts your way. He sounds lovely and all kinds of adorable. It is awesome that the two of you connected, he sounds like a character. :)
I am so pleased you found him! Do you have a pic?

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