Eating but not drinking?

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New Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Hi Everyone,

Thanks again to all those who replied to my last post a few days ago. It looks as though Muffin's spay came just in time

Solittle Muffers had her spay done on Monday night and did quite well during and after the surgery. I brought her home yesterday, she was quite alert and looked okay perhaps a little sleepy. Anyway, she seems to be eating a bit of her pellets and veggies but she doesn't seem to want much water at all. It looks as though she may have drank some but very little. Her poos, although small, are there and she is peeing.

Should I have reason for concern?

Go out and get some pedialyte and some feeding syringes for small animals and syringe her some pedialyte.I have done this with probably every shelter spay that I have brought home.
She will feel better after getting some fluids
Usually they like the taste|
You can also try getting her a crock and putting a little apple juice in her water so she will drink more of it.
I'd push the moist veggies if she's used to getting them. A little grated carrot and apple are good sources of moisture. I also give Nutri Cal after surgery.

Some bunnies do not drink water at all. However, if she used to drink but now doesn't want to, it might be something to worry about. Make sure the veggies are wet when you give them to her, and syringing her pedialyte won't hurt. It's important if she's on pain meds (and I hope she is) that she stays well hydrated to keep her kidneys in good shape.
My little girl, Asha, was spayed on Monday as well. To be honest I haven't really seen her drinking yet but she is enjoying wet veggies so I am not too worried. her poops are still smaller than normal but I remember from the others that it may take quite a while before they go back to normal

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