Well-Known Member
I am just about to give up.
My does starve their babies and I'm clueless as to why. The first of this year I had a Polish doe that had two litters, she had live, normal sized-healthy looking babies both times. Four days after giving birth, they died-they were so thin so I'm positive it was from her not feeding them. I figured that she would never be a good brood doe so I sold her as a pet. We purchased some Jersey Woolies over the summer and had a litter in october. It was a maiden doe, her first litter, had one live, healthy baby. She too starved it.
....So I bought a proven brood doe, she's had at least one successful liter that I was told about. She gave birth yesterday at around 6:00am. I checked the nestbox right after she was done to get any dead kits out, ect. I have left her alone completely since yesterday. Now, checked on her just now and the nestbox is exactly the way it was yesterday-no hair was moved. I took a quick peek at the babies and they are thin and acting very hungry. What do I do??? I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong! The doe has full feed and is in a quiet place, I'm not messing with her at all,she just isn't paying any attention to her kits.
:tears2:Shouldn't she have fed them already? They are 32 hours old.
....So I bought a proven brood doe, she's had at least one successful liter that I was told about. She gave birth yesterday at around 6:00am. I checked the nestbox right after she was done to get any dead kits out, ect. I have left her alone completely since yesterday. Now, checked on her just now and the nestbox is exactly the way it was yesterday-no hair was moved. I took a quick peek at the babies and they are thin and acting very hungry. What do I do??? I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong! The doe has full feed and is in a quiet place, I'm not messing with her at all,she just isn't paying any attention to her kits.