Does anyone know how to get glue out of a rabbits coat?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I just received an email via the pounds website asking if we work with rabbits, and if so, how to remove glue from the fur and ears.


edited to add - I can't type and talk on the phone at the same time but I'm calling the lady now to talk to her so I can find out what kind of glue it is and what exactly happened.
:shock::shock::shock:thats a hard one i wonder what type of glue it is.

If its a normal glue then hopefully warm soapy water if its super glue i don't know i would be tempted to try the soapy water first and then worry!!

I hope they can sort it out
if possable what about cutting/shearing it out? if that would work. also, what aboyt products for glue removal, as long as it wasn't around the face and it wasn't too harsh. just my worth!

From what the lady thinks, her daughters used Elmers Glue to decorate their rabbits. They got two lionheads for Christmas and made them "pretty" with ribbons and glitter.

She's going to work on clipping and brushing them today, and then possibly bathing them if all else fails.

I told her I can't do much tonite but if she needs help before giving them a bath I'd be happy to help if I can.
How about Goo Gone? I don't know if it would be safe for bunnies but I did use it on my daughter when she decided to make a necklace out of silly putty......hard lesson learned that day! She had to wash her hair afterward but it took the goo out and didn't hurt her hair at all.

Elmers Glue can be softened with a wet paper towel (if it's just a small spot). You can try spritzing the spots with water and gently combing them out. (My daughters did their own hair when then were very small... took a while, but it all came out.)

I wouldn't use any solvents on the rabbit. (That Goo B Gone is strong stuff with a benzine base.)
Yeah, elmers is water soluable.

poor bunnies. Those girls must be young.
GooGone and products like that have to be washed out after you use it; I think the whole process would be very stressful on a rabbit.

If warm water does not dissolve it, I think I would cut it out. Sounds like the kids might be too young for their "Christmas presents":(
Yes! It's always hard to hear of young children getting rabbits as presents. The rabbits are very fragile and small children are too rough on them. They are easily scared and harmed. I am angry that the mother bought them bunnies. Probably babies too. How on earth did the daughters decorate the rabbits without the mother noticing anything?

I feel badly for the bunnies. They aren't toys. I don't think they should be sold to people with small children.

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