Do they NEED to go outside?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2014
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So I've had several discussions with friends online who insist that my buns should have outside time when they are old enough (2 months old). They get plenty of exercise indoors and have the run of the house during exercise time (won't have the full run of the house until they are potty trained).

My surroundings of the house are all fenced by concrete walls (6 ft tall) and wire mesh that not even the smallest mice could go through, and there's no such thing as "wild life" where I live (except... insects...) So running away or getting eaten isn't a fear.

Problems are:
1. My backyard has no grass. My front yard, has no grass. I have noooo grass anywhere near the house. It's just concrete floor and tile everywhere. And the concrete on the yard is NOT smooth, I'm scared it'll just hurt their feet, it hurts MY feet to walk barefoot there.

2. Even BEFORE having any types of pet in my home, I had a problem with ticks. Ticks are a HUGE problem on the island. I've had exterminators come, and they do not die. Thankfully they stay outside of the house, but since all three of my neighbors (sides and back) have dogs (and they do not even use shampoos...), they are infested with ticks and the ticks use my house as a crossroad between them. So even though they don't actually stay on my home (nothing to munch on) I'm scared that any time outside would get them a tick :\

So, is indoor exercise enough for them? Or do they "need the wild"? Sorry for silly question x.x;
Rabbits don't really need to go outside. There can be benefits such as getting more vitamin D, but rabbits who stay inside can be quite healthy and happy.

You could make the yard more bunny friendly. Something soft on top of the concrete would be good. Even just a tarp could help, a sheet on top can be nice too. Grow grass in containers, such as litter boxes, aluminium roast trays, a cage bottom or even kids pool. It doens't take much to grow grass and can be nice for the rabbits to have something.

I am not really sure about ticks. I know there are products that can be used on dogs to prevent an infestation, but I don't know if they are safe for rabbits. Using a shampoo is not a good idea either since the chemicals would not be good for a rabbit and bathing isn't recommended anyway. The best option could be to give your rabbits a very good look over after they have been outside and removed any ticks (you would need to know how to properly removed them though).
Rabbits don't really need to go outside. There can be benefits such as getting more vitamin D, but rabbits who stay inside can be quite healthy and happy.

You could make the yard more bunny friendly. Something soft on top of the concrete would be good. Even just a tarp could help, a sheet on top can be nice too. Grow grass in containers, such as litter boxes, aluminium roast trays, a cage bottom or even kids pool. It doens't take much to grow grass and can be nice for the rabbits to have something.

I am not really sure about ticks. I know there are products that can be used on dogs to prevent an infestation, but I don't know if they are safe for rabbits. Using a shampoo is not a good idea either since the chemicals would not be good for a rabbit and bathing isn't recommended anyway. The best option could be to give your rabbits a very good look over after they have been outside and removed any ticks (you would need to know how to properly removed them though).

If Vitamin D is the benefit, then I don't have to worry at all xD I live in a tropical island, you open the window once and you have the vitamin D to last you for the whole year XD!

Yeah at my job as a vet assistant I learned pretty well on how to remove the ticks so that wouldn't be a problem, but since my buns are black and they do not stay still at all unless I'm petting, Im scared that they might get some under their belly and such and me miss them completely.

And now that I think about it, the front yard is tiled, so if I do let them go, it could be there, but so scared of tiiicks ;-; I think if the only benefit would be v D then I'd prefer to keep them inside all safe and sound.
If you can get Revolution where you live, the kitten dose can be used on rabbits to prevent fleas and ticks. I think your rabbits are fine just living indoors though.
My bunnies are 100% indoor buns. :)

We have no real yard space and they're not up for a harness, so they spend all their time in the living room. No problems at all!
My bunnies are indoors all the time too. We have temps over 90F (and up to 120F+) for half the year.

I also fear that they would get parasites out on the grass. On the very rare occasion that I have let them outside, (maybe 1 or 2 x per year), I have put them on the patio while I watched.
I live in an apartment with a terrace - it is tiled too and I have no grass and also no worries about predators, just insects.

My rabbit's house is outside on the terrace, at night when we go to bed we put her on the terrace and then let her back in to the apartment when we wake up in the morning, unless it rains like today and then we keep her inside day and night.
She loves her outside area and isn't bothered that there's no grass, I figure if she's never seen witnessed grass before, she doesn't know what it is and won't miss it.

We let her in every morning and leave the door open so she has free access to the apartment and the terrace - she is now three and litter trained - so she roams about as she pleases and she loves it, she generally chooses to stay outside in the day and come in at night, and when we have to keep her inside because of the rain she sits at the door waiting to be able to go back out.

I think it really is fine to put them in your outside area, it sounds secure and they should be okay. I have honestly never had a problem with my bunny being outside, and she's been doing this for 2 years.

The ticks I'm not sure about, is there maybe some kid of electric repellent or like 'mosquito style' plug in you could get to deter them? I have a mosquito plug in and some plants that repel insects.

Sorry this is a bit long, hope it helps and good luck!
Thanks everyone! I've decided to just keep them inside for now, when they're older (if I find a tick repellent that is safe for bunnies) I'll let them out front, my house isn't the typical home you find in PR. The front yard is more like a balcony, with a roof and such and fencing here's a picture: (its a xmas pic xD)

The gate has the wire mesh thing you can't see it because it's too dark, so it's basically impossible to get out xD

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