Do rabbits have certain POWERS???

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Kaley--yes, absolutely, all animals are healing and there are many studies that confirm it. I've been focusing on bunny "powers" but, I agree, all animals are healing and reduce our stress--especially when we're closely bonded with them. Nothing like the purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:)

One thing they all seem to have in comman is the ability to sense when we're not feeling well or when we're tense or can't sleep, etc. I love that your cat purrs in your ear when you're having trouble sleeping:)
I am just echoing what everyone else has been saying about them being little fuzzy de-stressers. There is nothing like the comfort of petting a bun. When I lost my grandfather earlier this year, Big Bunny knew I was upset. I didn't have to cry around him for him to knew I was sad, and he was extra sweet and lovey.

Not only are they stress relievers, but they are comforters too :D
Missy wrote:
"They have the power to turn men into bunny lovers, with their own "bunny voices" that they speak to bunnies with. It's been brought up in at least one other thread, and I see it happening to my boyfriend."
I didn't see the other posts you're writing about but I'm curious to hear more.

I think you're on to something when you speak of "their own bunny voices that they speak to bunnies with". They speak volumes with their bodies, the position of their heads and ears, their noses, their binkies, their whiskers, their poops, their dances, their thumps and wiggles and kicks, dashes and zigzags, their tails, the tensing and relaxing of every muscle, and (for me) especially with their eyes...and something more...all together, for me, it feels like something I can "hear": "bunny voices that they speak to other bunnies with":)

Can you describe a little more about what you mean and what's happening with your boyfriend?

I think the comment about men is that, at least with my husband, he is normally a real man's man who isn't squishy. Yet he has a special voice that is so sweet when he talks with the buns, like they are babies. It is so cute to see this really big guy snuggling and so gentle with the little rabbits. He is so worried about "breaking" them that I have to hand him the rabbits, he will never pick them up on his own.

I think what you are talking about is harder to explain, but I have experienced it too. It's like they look at you so intently you can hear their voices in your mind, almost like a psychic link. I'm good at interpreting what my cats want but have never had the same experience of "hearing" them. Each rabbit has a different "voice" and way of speaking. Sophie tends to use pictures rather than words. I hope people don't think I'm nuts admitting this out loud, but I really think the rabbits communicate more directly on some other level. :baghead

I forget who posted it, but basically what Brandy said. And I was referring more to that too, the way men have a special tone of voice they talk to bunnies with that is uncharacteristically high and cutesy :p
Brandy--That's my feeling, too! It means a lot for you to say that because you've been close to so many more rabbits than I have. You said it very well. In no way, shape or form do I think you're "nuts". But I worry about people thinking that, too. :baghead
And I forgot to mention nose bonks, bunny butt, foot digs, grooming, love nips and soft bunny kisses in my list above:)
I thought you might enjoy my post from

"Last night I was having my evening snack of banana with peanut butter. Bunnicula, a rather shy rabbit that has been in the house hold for just a couple months, caught whiff of the yummy smell. She cautiously came across the room, nose twitching. I handed her a small chunk and she ran off to eat her bounty. A moment later she leapt straight into the air with foot wiggles. My husband was perplexed, what's that?

That was Bunnicula's first binky in our home!

It got me to thinking about the various ways my rabbits have to say they are happy. The boys (Gary, Houdini, and Panda) all do the more typical running binky with crazy twists and turns, each with their own signature moves. The girls have more variation. Apparently Bunnicula prefers to jump from a stand still. Sophie is our big girl and she does a high hop with a head twist. Becky is special needs with mobility issues, but she will do a head twist with a full body shiver.

Don't forget the tooth purring, nose bonking, and kisses.

When Sophie came to our home over the summer she was not a people bun. Houdini had just lost his first bunwife and was in a deeply grieving state. We let him pick whom ever he fancied at the rescue. He picked Sophie. She loved him but hated us. She had good reason to distrust people. Her first "owners" were children who would pull her ears and tossed her away when she got to big. Then she was put in a small cage with little human interaction other than being tossed pellets. I practice pet massage, so even though it was only a minute at first, she got a gentle therapeutic touch for the first time of her life. She would flinch if I touched her ears, but I just kept with daily short massages. Now I like to think she looks forward to this interaction. She will sit on my lap for an hour or more while I stroke, kneed, and massage her whole body. She likes to lay her head down in the crook of my elbow and tooth purr, eyes closed, legs outstretched so I can get her paws. What girl doesn't like her feet rubbed? While it is more of a sleepy contentment with life, I have to admit I love seeing this quiet expression of joy just as much as the more exuberant displays.

How does your rabbit let you know they are happy?"

I feel so sheepish admitting to my connection with the rabbits. I was trained in the hard sciences and tend to dismiss psychics as nut cases. Yet there really is something there with the rabbits. They also respond so strongly to the massage and positive images of love I send to them. There are studies that animals use different parts of the brains than humans. How do we really know that they can't communicate in a different way if we are open to it? The more an individual is attached to me the more frequently I get "messages" even over distances.

I have had times when I get a message from Becky that she doens't feel good when I am at work. I call home and have Joshua check on her. Every time he has said that she was spinning or swaying. This has happened probably a dozen times over the past year that we have been dealing with tilt. I have him give her medicine and about 30 minutes later she tells me thank you. He checks again and she's resting easy. I know it sounds crazy, but that many times can not simply be coincidence, could it? Most days she is fine and just doing her bunny thing. I never get long distance messages from Sophie or Houdini but they are not as attached. Messages from them pretty much always revolve around food. Gary will tell me when one of the other rabbits scares him, I check and sure enough someone will be in their space where they shouldn't be. Panda is just so love starved that he wants to be held all the time (he had a rough start and is so happy to be really loved now). Bunnicula is terrified of everything and we can only communicate if my hands are on her, but it is getting easier. I never connected with Indiana Bunns directly, but he was only with me a few months before he passed. Cinderella was silent for the first year and then the flood gates opened, but only if I was touching her.

I know, weird, but this is what I experience.
and no, I do not consider myself psychic. I have never gotten messages from strange animals either, just my own rabbits. I can interpret the other animal's behaviors and emotions but it has never been so direct as with the rabbits.
Brandy, what you said about Sophie and how she was abused and so distant at first made me teary. It hurts my heart to think that there are so many buns who can't stand the sight of human hands or the thought of being touched. I'm so glad you could make a connection with her the way that you did, so she would be able to trust again.

Oh and my husband talks to my bun in the man version of baby talk. Its really funny. He'll go into the kitchen and she'll go up to him, she doesn't climb his legs like she climbs mine but she will sniff his feet. He'll talk to her quietly, like I can't hear him. He'll tell her that shes so pretty and he'll bend down and touch her and be like "oh bun, you're soooo soft!" hahaha. Its so funny, because he's 6' 3" and chops wood for sport.

Brandy--thank you for sharing that. I loved it. Beautiful!!! I relate to all of it. Your description of all your bunnies' behavior is wonderful and I am especially touched by Sophie's story:)I love the idea of thinking about all the ways bunnies show they are happy.

Yes!!! Studies show that animals use different parts of their brains than we do. Who is to say they don't have ways of communicating and abilities that are different from ours and, perhaps, beyond detection by the current tools of science?

I strongly believe in the methods of science and I also believe there may be things in the world that haven't yet been identified by science. After all, there was a time when people who believed in germs were considered insane;)Then came the microscope and we discovered a whole new world that was previously invisable.

Scientific studies also suggest that there are vast areas of human potential that aren't fully utilized. Perhaps, perceptions that are called "psychic" fall within this range...not something outside of the natural...not something "weird" and "other-worldly"...not "super-natural" but a part of the natural world that we don't fully understand yet.

I wouldn't call your "messages" from Becky and other perceptions weird at all. They seem to be a natural extention of your bond, your sensitivity to and love for your bunnies:)And I absolutely agree that it feels like there is something more going on with bunnies. It's like they open some channel that we don't normally tune in to...
Oh, and one more way bunnies show they are happy--applause paws!!!

Morgan--I got such a chuckle out of picturing your 6'3", wood chopping, husband having a secret talk with your bunny! I can just picture it. Adorable...made me a little teary, too.

Reminds me of another bunny power...they bring out our gentle and tender side. Because they are so fragile, they make us gentle and more mindful of everything we do around them:)

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