Dig box made from coconut husk?

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Feb 7, 2021
Reaction score
Chibi's World, Eastern USA
Has anyone thought to make a dig box with finely shredded coconut husk before? It looks like dirt, but without the risk of parasites and the coconut husk, completely untreated, comes heavily compressed and dehydrated. Just add a bit of water and it's cool and loose like fresh dirt. Would it be safe for rabbits to dig in it or should I tell my husband to just keep it for his hydroponic experiment?
I can't say for sure, but there do seem to be other rabbit owners that give it to their rabbits, supposedly without issue. It's essentially fiber, so your rabbits may even try to eat some of it. Though apparently it does expand a lot when wet, so if your rabbits go to town trying to eat a lot of it, then that could potentially cause an issue from expansion in the gut, and you maybe shouldn't use it in that case. This is all just a quick search I did, so when in doubt, make sure to do your own research about it before deciding.
Nugget gets gut stasis at the slightest thing so il give that a miss, do you know if they can eat the coconut inside or the shell to chew on?
Nugget gets gut stasis at the slightest thing so il give that a miss, do you know if they can eat the coconut inside or the shell to chew on?

No idea. I would imagine the coconut itself is too high in fat, and the shell too hard. I would stick with other less unusual foods and forage, ones rabbit tested and true like willow, apple, and hawthorn for branches to chew on, and veggies, herbs, forage, and fruits for treats.

Medirabbit: rabbit safe foods

No idea. I would imagine the coconut itself is too high in fat, and the shell too hard. I would stick with other less unusual foods and forage, ones rabbit tested and true like willow, apple, and hawthorn for branches to chew on, and veggies, herbs, forage, and fruits for treats.

Medirabbit: rabbit safe foods

I had never even had coconut cross my mind as something for a bunny but it makes sense as u say its high in fat and the shell may break to have sharp pieces. 👍
I can't say for sure, but there do seem to be other rabbit owners that give it to their rabbits, supposedly without issue. It's essentially fiber, so your rabbits may even try to eat some of it. Though apparently it does expand a lot when wet, so if your rabbits go to town trying to eat a lot of it, then that could potentially cause an issue from expansion in the gut, and you maybe shouldn't use it in that case. This is all just a quick search I did, so when in doubt, make sure to do your own research about it before deciding.
What if it was already expanded? Yeah, I'll dig deeper into it. I know there has been a couple times my husband said he looked into something, saying it is okay for our bunnies, and I end up pulling the info showing otherwise. 🤭

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