Depressed? Drinking, but not eating. Help!!!

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Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
I have had many rabbits over the years, but no case like this. My newest rabbit, named Snow, had lots of problems, but she wasn't contagious according to the vet. A week ago, I adopted another baby (around 3 months old) and they got along RIGHT away. Grooming each other, eating together, playing together, etc. they have only been cage mates for about 5 days, when Snow passed away. We left them together for a few hours, then took flurry away. Now Abnegation (aka Abby, the newer bun) is drinking, no more or less than usual, but doesn't seem to be eating, or at least I haven't seen her eat. She normally gives LOTS of kisses but isn't giving any today. (Snow passed away last night, vet said there wasn't anything she could do anymore, but also wasn't expecting her to pass away so suddenly.) Abby seems to also be staring off into space a lot and just sitting there, whereas she normally plays around and binkys all over the place. Do you guys think she's sick or just a little sad?
It would be hard to know if it's just from missing your other rabbit or an illness, but either way when a rabbit hasn't eaten for more than 12 hours it is considered an emergency. So if it's been that long then you should get her to your vet. Otherwise try enticing her to eat with any favorite foods or treats. This may help kick start her eating again.
Thanks! She has eaten a few bites of Timothy hay, not moving much, but does eat a couple blades of hay. Drinking normally, still normal poops! Before, she only didn't eat for maybe 5 hours.
It's possible she has teeth/molar problems that make it painful for her to eat. I find it hard to imagine that the loss of a friendship of 5 days would cause her to go into depression, although I suppose it's possible. If she doesn't improve soon, I'd get her teeth checked out by a vet just to make sure.
Thanks whiskeylollipop, but she doesn't have molar problems ;) she was eating perfectly fine until 3 hours after Flurry died. Always had hay in her mouth. Now, she sticks to her pellets, completely ignoring her hay, but occasionally munches on a few blades. But she's acting pretty normal, but ignores her hay which is rare. She keeps eating the bit of pellets I give her daily though.
And we did last week :) so I don't think a matter of 5 days could make her teeth go out of whack. None of my other buns teeth grow that fast XD

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