Considering a bit o' bonding

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Well, bonding is NOT going to least not for quite a while...

Tonight, I opened Trixie's door, which happens to be close to Maisie's cage...enough so that in the VERY short time I had Trixie's door open (long enough to open the door, grab her food bowl, and close the door right back up again...I don't ever turn my back on an open cage door), Maisie was over there to that corner of her cage, and they started a scuffle through the bars! :shock:

Neither of them had ANY time to do any damage, so they're both fine (I was standing RIGHT there, hadn't even turned my back or anything) ... and I thoroughly checked the only area that could've possibly touched, their noses, and they're fine. Consider that little 5lb Maisie had to step down onto her lower level and s-t-r-e-t-c-h to reach ceiling where the bottom of Trixie's door is...they couldn't touch anything else...even though I checked everything around their noses (with a flashlight, even).

Needless to say, regardless of who started it...not only am I cancelling bonding between Fiver and Maisie at least until we move, but I'm going to have to find a way to put something more solid (pegboard will be great if I can work it out) on that part of Maisie's cage so this has no chance of happening again. I guess those girls just aren't friendly!

No won't happen again, and even though Mama's cage is THOROUGHLY rattled at the moment, I'm fine and so are they.

BUT...bonding ain't happenin' until her hormones are MUCH lower!!
Lol spunky Maisie.

Well waiting will keep us (or at least me) anxious but it'll be worth it in the end. Who knows, she might be perfectly fine with Fiver. Chubbs is a BUTTHEAD to any other bunny/cat/animal but Lilith.
I am sorry to hear about the scuffle but glad no one was hurt. I hope when you go to try again bonding goes much better!

Good luck!
Oh no worries! :D Probably because it's both familiar territory for them.. I got a lot of bickering through the bars with the 'friends' especially with Bruno and Poppy.. if someone was sitting too close to the side, they'd get a nip in the bum hehe!

As soon as you take them out of territory they try to act like they have to defend, there's a lot less aggression!

Silly girls!
You know...I think you're right about that, Spring...I think that it's two girls...two DOMINANT girls...and each in their territory...I think they just got territorial.

So, here's where I'm at in thinking of this right now...

On the one hand, it could go perfectly...on the other hand, she could be a touch too dominant. For instance, I think SweetPea and Cuddles will be a quick bond. They're both so social, and really seem to enjoy one another's company. (I see them talking with each other now and then.)

Trixie I'm saving to bond with Flower, since they love each other so much. I think it would be devastating to Flower to have her friend bond with someone else.

Fiver I think could literally bond with ANYONE...he's so laid-back.

Maisie and Fiver could potentially bond perfectly...I just worry a bit about her dominance. That and her bond with me, and jealousy when I pet someone else (which is lessening...but sometimes rears its ugly head)...and her food aggression...

I guess putting them both into a laundry basket couldn't do any harm...but it'd have to be when Hubby's around, in case things go!
maherwoman wrote:
You know...I think you're right about that, Spring...I think that it's two girls...two DOMINANT girls...and each in their territory...I think they just got territorial.
I think this could be a MAJOR factor here. It reminds me of Sam and Teresa. Both belived that they were top bannana.
So, here's where I'm at in thinking of this right now...

On the one hand, it could go perfectly...on the other hand, she could be a touch too dominant. For instance, I think SweetPea and Cuddles will be a quick bond. They're both so social, and really seem to enjoy one another's company. (I see them talking with each other now and then.)
That is a good sign I can not wait to see how this one goes. Than again don't be upset if bonding does not happen. Sometimes you think it will happen than does not. Keep hope within reason. As I say often bonding is a guessing game.
Trixie I'm saving to bond with Flower, since they love each other so much. I think it would be devastating to Flower to have her friend bond with someone else.
I know that feeling when I bonded Teresa and Dallas I felt like I was betraying Connor, but I trully thought he would not be able to be neutered. When I finally was able to have them together I was thrilled.
Fiver I think could literally bond with ANYONE...he's so laid-back.
I really hope this is true, I keep thinking the same about Elvis but than he goes and does something that ruins his bonding with others.
Maisie and Fiver could potentially bond perfectly...I just worry a bit about her dominance. That and her bond with me, and jealousy when I pet someone else (which is lessening...but sometimes rears its ugly head)...and her food aggression...
I think that could be good if it worked. She could mellow with his help. I am glad that it is lessening I am sure it will keep going down. Food eh minor you can just have two dishes.
I guess putting them both into a laundry basket couldn't do any harm...but it'd have to be when Hubby's around, in case things go!
Nope no harm what so ever.
Thanks for the advice! :D

Yeah...I'll keep an open mind about things...and be sure to remind myself that things don't always go as you think they will...ESPECIALLY with bunnies.

It's funny, tonight my dad was asking..."When you guys move, can you put them all in one big ol' cardboard box, or will you have to keep them separate?" LOL...I think I looked something like this: :shock: Hey, he didn't know...he asks tons of questions about them each time he's here, though. He lets me know he's interested in something I'm so interested in. :) He's so great... if I can work things out properly, I'll try the laundry basket idea probably sometime next week. Trick is getting Hubby home early enough that he's got the energy for it! LOL!

I'll be doing most of the work, of course, but I'll need him conscious if there's a bit of an emergency I need help with.

We'll see what happens! :D
I thought the same about Poppy like Fiver.. she's so laid back and such a doll with me, she'll be a breeze to bond with the other bunnies!



Her and Pebbles got along ok, they're personalities on the outsides meshed well it seemed, since Poppy was sweet and Pebbles was a bit hot headed, but Poppy quickly showed her personality as a sneaky dominant little moomoo at times. And the one I thought I'd have the most problems with, Bruno, actually came out to be the one that was most behaved, especially in the trio bonding! HeckPoppy even did quite a bit of damage that one time to the big bad Mr. Dozers eye, that girl aint so sweet! ;).

Just to give you a heads up, since bunnies personalities can change a lot with other bunny buds, and I think you'll be in a huge surprise come bonding! A good surprise though I think!

I think you'll love bonding, for me it is fun once you get over the road bumps and is a great way to bond individually with the bondees. I look forward to bonding sessions if things go well, but a few bad sessions are a real downer, so watch out! ;)

For myself personally, I've only had good things come out of laundry basket bonding, and I haven't had any aggression in it either! They usually huddle together wondering when they are going to get out of this thing!

I'm yammering now, but good luck!


Ha, ha, Rosie, I did one laundry basket session with Angel and Snuff and it went well, and that was after that tiff they had in the pen, awhile later though. I also have a pic of that if you'd like for some reassurance;). I can pmit to you, Ang had a gookie in her eye, so I don't want it on here, really:p, but, it's not a big deal at all. Let me know:).

I think this will be a good try for you, it's neutral and you'll see, it might just go really well:D.

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