Clover & Co

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Aug 23, 2011
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New Vineyard, Maine, USA
I recently acquired my newest bunny, clover rei. She is currently the only rabbit I own. She is a 7 week old flemish giant (at least, on one side). I met her back when she was only a newborn, but sadly, only a few weeks later her and her littermates were orphaned due to their mother passing away. I'm not entirely sure of the details (as she was not my rabbit), but she suffered from internal complications during labor andsimply couldn't recoverfrom them. The mother had been a rescued rabbit, and hadn't been very healthy to begin with. She was [unknowingly] pregnant when theygot her.

I helped care for her and her siblings until eventually I decided to adopt her into my family. She's been healthy and happy and is one of the sweetest (and most unique) rabbits I've ever owned. Her former family was down in Connecticut (I had been visiting). I now live in Maine... which is a long trip for a bunny... but she actually enjoyed the car ride! How bizarre is that? I had her in a small cage (just for the trip) but at one point during the ride we hit some bad traffic and she seemed hot (we didn't have AC and since the car was stopped there was no flow of air), so I decided to open to top of the cage... maybe adjust some things for her and let her out for a second.But to my surprise, she jumped right out of the cage onto the seat and plopped herself right down next to me. Itookthe top to a wire hamster cage and propped it up on the seat and connected a water bottle to the outside of it. Ifilled the bottom of the hamster cage with some shavings and fixed it securely to some flat objects I had on the floor of the car (to make a shelf), and I laid out my jacket for her to lay on... The adorable little thing snuggled right up next to me the whole trip. She even hopped across the seat to look out the window and did a little half-binkie over mylap (Iwasn't driving, obviously).I was shocked. :)

She now lives in a hutch out on the porch... it's protected from the elements (closed-in porch). I handle her daily and she comes right over to greet me. Since I've taken care of her since she was so young, she takes food from my hand without a second thought and loves to be held and almost massaged around the head. I love her. <3

I've been considering getting her a companion soon... I don't have much experience in having two rabbits housed together, so any advice would be great, but I'm assuming they'd be easier to introduce at a younger age.


This would be little Clover... nibblin' on a clover. <3
Here's some more pictures... :)



Sleeeeepy bunny.


(That cage was just to hang her water bottle on while she hopped around the house). Cutie pie is half in her food dish. <3

Ready for the cutest thing in the world?
This is a touched-cell phone picture of her when she was only 2-3 weeks old.

Awe, I know she's adorable. I wanted to kidnap her too... hence why I did. ;)



Two more~~ :rollseyes
I don't take too many pictures or anything...

And just for fun, here's a picture of her newest friend:

I know what you're thinking.... odd looking bunny, right? :p
Clover is actually bigger than her... not height-wise, but body-wise.
I'm HOPING to get a picture of the two together, but neither of them sit still very long.
Oh bunnies and kitties make great friends! I'm sure since they are both young they will get along super well. Sometimes I think my cat is the third member of my bonded minilop couple. ;)

Does she have any siblings left? :p
I think they have three babies left, but I'm not positive.... I know they're going to good homes, but I still get a bit sadsince I helped take care of them all.There was a little cream/orange and white one with the same patterns as clover that got adopted... There's another black and white one... Has black ears, a mustache, and whatI call eyeliner. There's an all orange/tan one. And then there's the CUTEST little white one with tiny little orange eyebrows and orange ears. So cute. I feel like she'd be adorable as a dwarf or mini. They considered keeping that one. Mom said no, but... you know how that goes. Animal lovers are guilty of having "hold it once and never put it down" syndrome. ;)
So, upon reading other bunny blogs I've noticed a lot of people include their life or other animals they have in their family, so why not? Pictures aren't hated in this community, right? ;) I have some stories to share about how we got our animals, feel free to read if you're interested... After this most of the updates should return to revolving around Clover Rei. <3

So, I've already introduced the new kitten. She's actually my sister's kitten, but she's part of the family now. She's a prissy little princess and isn't getting along too well with my older female cat. I'm hoping things will get better with time, but I honestly think my older female is being possesive over my older male... Is that normal even though they're both fixed?

She still needs a name... any suggestions would be welcomed! Here's some more pictures:



She's a muted calico/maine coon mix) for anyone who was wondering. :p I know she doesn't look like a coon... Her mom was a shorthair calico. She has longer hair than a normal shorthair and has fuzz coming out of her ears. Some of the kittens had longer hair, she had medium length... but is still VERY cute. She was adopted from a friend's litter that needed good homes. Her and Clover get along pretty well so far, but I only let them play for bits and pieces at a time as to not stress Clover out.

This is Cosmo (Also know as Coz or Cosmosis). He was a rescued feral cat that we adopted from his foster mom. His tail is broken at the tip.. likely got run over by a car. And despite all that he is the SWEETEST cat I've ever had. He throws both his arms around you and gives you a huge hug when you kneel down to pet him. He nudges your face and snuggles up right onto your head when he sleeps. He's extremely affectionate and was greatly accepted by the family.



He is a very handsome tabby with silver, black, whiteand reddish brown markings. He has vibrant green/amber eyes and has the strangest, almost wild texturedfur I've ever seen on a domestic cat.

This is Miyu. She is my BABY. I'm a psycho mom and I do not tolerate ANYTHING pestering her. Her and Clover are my two loves at the moment, the rest are family animals. She was rescued from a woman that was just going to "get rid of" her and her brother for not having suitable markings. The lady was one of the classic irresponsible breeders that keeps them all in tiny cages in a house where they can't have a yard or (if its an indoor cat) space to even stretch their legs. She was very anti-social when we first got her. Poor thing was scared to death and wouldn't come out from underneathe the couch... we actually had to put food behind the couch just to make sure she was eating. Now she is extremely vocal, loves attention, crawls right under the blankets with me, flops over and demands to be petted... etc etc. She's extremely playful and has bonded with the tabby boy above. They've been fabulous influences on each other. At some point, I might let Clover and her have a meet n' greet. Miyu got along wonderfully with my last bunny, so I'm hoping things will work out again.



She is a purebred bengal... however, she doesn't have the rosette markings the breed is known for (she even has a bit of bowing in the legs)... so the breeder was just going to get rid of her... didn't even care about finding her a good, safe home. SOwe picked her up and took her to her foreverhome with us... to a family that would love her and let her out of a cage. Cruel people. Despite not having the rosettes... she is a BEAUTIFUL cat. Her fur is ridiculously soft and glistens. Her eyes are a bright yellow topaz... This woman needed to be slapped upside the head with something. <3

Lastly for cats, this is Isis. She is now somewhere close to 13 years of age. She's become a little bit distanced ever since our other cat, dusty, died... she was 4 years older than Isis.... But... It's a bit harder to get a picture of her, so I could only find this one. She can be very sweet and affectionate when she wants to be, but she's a pretty independent feline.


She's a tuxedo cat with a cute little milk mustache. When we first adopted her from the shelter, everyone there thought she was a male. Her name was Sylvester. Needless to say, our vet informed us that they were mistaken and we gave her a more feminine title. <3

And here we have Aleu. She's bigger than this now, but I can't seem to find a decent picture... :/ She's the funniest looking dog I've ever seen... ears twice the size of her head. Lanky body. Curled over tail... She looks very much like a coyote... has the same body structure as Balto (if you've seen the animated film). Ironically, she's named after his daughter. Here's her as a puppy (She's a bit over a yearnow?)


German Shepherd Dog Mix... She was originally a foster puppy we were holding until she was healthy enought to be adopted (Her and her brother were the only two puppies that survived out of a litter that was brought into a local shelter... They were EXTREMELY skinny and were prone to nausea and diarhea due to multiple medical conditions they were suffering from. Poor little things were starving and dehydrated). After some proper vet care and socialization.. both are living happily now! And we obviously melted and ended up adopting her.

And that's that! I just want to say that I've posted some of these pictures before and have received very rude comments. Someone once criticized me for having attractive animals and said I should stop buying from breeders and pet stores. As anyone who has read this knows... ALL of my animals are adopted from other families, rescued, or adopted from shelters. And I, by no means, disapprove ofbuying an animal from a responsible breeder. In fact, I hope to get another Bengal someday... and if I do get another rabbit to [hopefully] be a companion for Clover, it probably WILL be from a breeder. I know quite a few people on here are bunny breeders and that's fantastic. A lot of people don't understand how much effort breeders put into their animals... picking good mates for behavioral and health purposes, socializing them, making sure they're properly cared for and up-to-date on vet checks, making sure they get to good homes with good people who will take care of them for the rest of their lives... A lot of breeders even offer their phone number or email so that you can ask them any questions or contact them any time you need help. Ignorant people like the ones who have spoken to me like that really need to take a step back and appreciate their own animals and understand how things really work out there in the breeding world. Sorry about the rant, but that's also how blogs work, no?

Anyway, as a clover update:
I put a new chew toy in the hutchfor her today and she DEMOLISHED it. I'm a bit worried she got too much... ^^;
Great start to your blog! I adore all your family members :biggrin:

Were the people criticizing your pets here? That would be very disappointing, I have always found people here to be open to alternatives. :shock:

I think your Bengal cat is stunning, even if she was deemed imperfect. Sometimes I think that makes them even more special. I have a Turkish Angora from a similar situation. The breeder tossed him at 5 weeks when they discovered he had a heart murmur. He is my baby and a wonderful companion. We have had him since he was8 weeks old. A kitten rescue group pulled him from the kill shelter and we got him from the rescue.

I suggest Veronique for the kitten's name. Not sure why, but she looks French to me. :)
I'm sorry about the way people have treated you in the past. I know how that goes. A lot of people feel that I shouldn't have Boe and that he would be better if he was outside. I know this, but I also know how much he depends on me for his food and the other things he needs. Sometimes, people just don't understand the full reality of things.
I just wanted to let you know that I adore all of your animals. Each and every one of them are beautiful in their own way.
I wish you the best of luck with your bun and the rest of your animal family. :)
oh my goodness! ADORABLE bunny!

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