Clementine peel?!

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Iceberg lettuce is not necessarily a "POISON"

I think that any rabbit could eat small amounts now and then..
it would depend upon the amount fed and the regularity of it...........
After what I've experienced, I would not risk it.  Why risk it?????  You are playing with fire if you ask me.
So sorry, Bijou. :(

You do bring up a good point -- at some level, iceberg lettuce can cause diarrhea and that can be deadly.

Can I ask how much the bunny was fed and for how long?

My point was only as AngieLuv said, it's not poisonous, leaves of iceberg included in a large heap of veggies didn't need to be picked out, but I should have qualified that at some point it is unsafe, thus it isn't recommended.

Thanks for the caution.

Oh. My goodness. That was 28 years ago. I'm sure it was a good amount of iceberg. Knowing me and my effort to please my sweet bun bun. I'm sure it was WAY too much to feed a sweet little baby bun. So heartbreaking. That I will say. It's really not worth the risk.
Bijou wrote:
Oh. My goodness. That was 28 years ago. I'm sure it was a good amount of iceberg. Knowing me and my effort to please my sweet bun bun. I'm sure it was WAY too much to feed a sweet little baby bun. So heartbreaking. That I will say. It's really not worth the risk.

Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience, Bijou. But if the rabbit was a baby, that could have happened with ANY vegetable, especially if it wasn't used to getting veggies in large quantities. That doesn't necesarily mean vegetables are poison, it just means you have to feed in moderation, and be carefull when just introducing new vegetables, and fruits too.
Any lettuce that is whitish in color and not greenhas a high water content and can have the same effects on a rabbit as iceberg so feed the green parts of lettuces not the white...doesn't matter what the bag is labelled
If I only knew then what I know now. I'm so darn paranoid with this bun!

Back then, 1980, there was basically no way to research anything! Get a pet from the pet store, nobody tell you anything because they don't KNOW anything. Now, all we have to do is sit at our computer chair and put in a few words and voila'! Anything you want know about your pet is at your fingertips! Some days I wonder how ANYTHING survived before the information age :shock:.
angieluv wrote:
Any lettuce that is whitish in color and not greenhas a high water content and can have the same effects on a rabbit as iceberg so feed the green parts of lettuces not the white...doesn't matter what the bag is labelled
What about the centers of romaine lettuce heads? The stalks get very white and such. Are those OK? The buns don't eat them as quick as the rest of the lettuce, but they never seem to have mushy poops.
I don't feed the white inner tiny leaves but that's just me me it would seem like ice berg but if you feed it and your rabbits don't get loose poops then it's fine
a few of mine cannot even eat a lot of romaine without getting runny

I feed all of the romaine and I've never had any problems.... although I do think that the buns prefer the big green leafy leaves, lol...

I can relate to the younger bunny getting veg for the first time thing. I remember when we first got Mouse and Chalk, at 8 weeks old, I hadn't found this forum yet, and I had done tons of research, but you know how the internet is, such conflicting information everywhere. I'd read that it was ok to give such and such veg, and gave them a little bit of brocoli each. Mouse had terrible diarrea and I was so scared. I called some vets helpline (we'd had them for literally a day so hadn't registered with a vets yet) who told me to watch her and keep her hydrated. She was ok within a few hours but I was terrified. Needless to say they didn't get any veg for a good few weeks longer!

I'm sorry you had such a horrible experience Bijou :hug:

I personally wouldn't feed iceberg lettuce either- it has no nurtitional content, too much water, and I can get romaine or cos very easily for my buns so there's no need to go there. I personally hate it myself to eat so I never buy it anyway lol! But saying that, I am sure that as they are so well adjusted to vegetables, and lettuce as well, that it wouldn't overly harm my buns if they were to eat a piece at all (now that they are all grown up and handle veg very well). I wont be doing it, because I have no need to try lol :)

Anyway, where there is a will there is a way with a bunny, and Dotty stole a piece of orange peel yesterday from Steve while he was in the office.... She gobbled it down whole apparently!! It was only a little piece... but she loved it lol... Oh dear, what has he done?! :shock: :p
Hazel-Mom wrote:
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience, Bijou. But if the rabbit was a baby, that could have happened with ANY vegetable, especially if it wasn't used to getting veggies in large quantities. That doesn't necesarily mean vegetables are poison, it just means you have to feed in moderation, and be carefull when just introducing new vegetables, and fruits too.


And young bunnies are prone to enteritis, it may not have been the veggies at all.

sas :sosad
mouse_chalk wrote:
I feed all of the romaine and I've never had any problems.... although I do think that the buns prefer the big green leafy leaves, lol...
I personally wouldn't feed iceberg lettuce either- it has no nutitional content, too much water, and I can get romaine or cos very easily for my buns so there's no need to go there.

None of my guys like iceberg or butterleaf much at all -- they barely like the lettuce -- but Pipp is okay with red leaf, Dill would only eat green leaf and Sherry only eats romaine.

Luckily I have a bunny lover at the produce store to meet their demands. ;)


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