Clare Girl Bullied To Death In The US

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school kid's can be real ass----s. It went on 40 years ago when I was in school--the only difference is with our "electronic age" it's easier to go after someone away from school. My son is 30 now and I threatened to sue the school, the district and the principal as one little ass---e went out of his way to pick on my son. Liked what Pam had to say about their recent history--the ass that was picking on my son died of a drug overdose in January--wonder what his mother thinks of her "good kid" now. It's a shame when the courts are our only recourse to protect our children and the teachers are powerless by district policy. Nancy quit teaching in California because of similar problems that she would bring up to the principal-she was told to never-mind it. After she quit and before we moved, I told his mother about the problems my wife had with the principal, as her son got fed up and ended getting suspended for fighting as he was tired of two "good boys" continually stealing from him.
Pam i have to say when you posted that all i could think of was the pic i seen on your FB and how BEAUTIFUL your daughter is, they can eat thier hearts out. It is really sad and Larry is right in the age with all this technology the bullying has become cyber bullying. Bullies now get you on texts, cell phone calls, facebook, myspace and other internet outlets. I was bullied when i was in grade school i was just a ordinary , plain girl, I can say as an adult now i can deal with it, it wasnt so horrible that i felt like taking my life and i got a little satisfaction finding out that the b oy who bullied me is in jail.

I moved from the city where i live out to the country in hopes to get away from it but in reality it goes on everywhere, in my kids school they learn about bullying and cyber bullies, and i hope that it continues and helps.
I went to an inner city school and ended up dropping out due to violence. Every other week we were on the news cause some idiot would bring a gun to school or we'd have a riot. A few times we've had people die on school grounds due to gang shootings. People would light garbage cans on fire and all kinds of other crazy things. One girl was stabbed through her cheek with a pencil because she used to the wrong bathroom. I don't miss it. I lived in the Hispanic ghetto for a little while and I look Hispanic, so the Hispanic gang members never messed with me, sometimes they even looked out for me. The rest of the gangs would mess with me even more though, because of that. I guess they figured that since I was neutral with them, that I had to be an enemy or something. I've never understood gang logic. I'm more than happy to be away from all of that though, but I'm sad that I had to leave school due to stupid kids.
Jessyka wrote:
I went to an inner city school and ended up dropping out due to violence. Every other week we were on the news cause some idiot would bring a gun to school or we'd have a riot. A few times we've had people die on school grounds due to gang shootings. People would light garbage cans on fire and all kinds of other crazy things. One girl was stabbed through her cheek with a pencil because she used to the wrong bathroom. I don't miss it. I lived in the Hispanic ghetto for a little while and I look Hispanic, so the Hispanic gang members never messed with me, sometimes they even looked out for me. The rest of the gangs would mess with me even more though, because of that. I'm more than happy to be away from all of that though, but I'm sad that I had to leave school due to stupid kids.
Oh my God- that sounds absolutely terrifying!
Before middle school, I lived in Florida. I went to a higher end prep school (military, actually) where a lot of the students had high profile parents (kings, ambassadors, etc). There were so many ethnicities, there was no bullying about that. But those of us who parents worked for a living, and who were there only because it was the safest school in the area were made fun of. I started at 5th grade, and the first day, the kids asked me how much my parents made. I was bullied by both boys and girls alike. I was there or two years, and just kept quiet, but that didn't keep them from getting at me. We had all of our classes together, so we were around eachother most of the day. I lived a long ways away from those kids, so they couldn't get to me at home. There weren't any school buses, you either stayed at the school, or your parents picked you up after school.

I moved to Illinois the summer before 7th grade. Some of the boys teased me, but nothing serious. I had learned before to keep quiet, and I kept that way through high school. No one was mean, and it was a nice high school experience. But my high school was not bad, there wasn't a lot of bullying, and I actually keep in contact with a lot of my class mates on facebook.

It's a horrible world where kids will harrass other kids for stupid things, to the point that the kid being harrassed would even think of killing themselves. It's horrible, and sometimes worse than what adults do to eachother.
Omg that is horrible!
People like that really really upset me!!
I can not STAND people who bully others and a lot of my friends cant either. I'll stand up for people who are being bullied, and I'm not one to even stand up for myself half the time!

I wasn't going to post, because my opinion is generally unpopular. I believe kids are cruel..I was teased very badly myself (Locker vadalized, threating messages, things thrown at me, house vandalized)
I also the "lesbian" because I was gay friendly, and had horrible consequences for that.
Although I was doing boxing at the time, and nobody dared messed with me in front of my face after I gave a black eye to the quarerback of my junior high.
But I think there were some mental issues on her part in the first place if she commited suicide..
And some darn parental responsiblity too! Where were they?!
And school responsiblity.
But I do think they need to start regulating these things and start stepping in.

And Pam, your daughter is beautiful!
When you read up more the things that were done to her would definitely drive me crazy, plus, she was most likely missing home. I mean having to start in a totally new country is hard enough, without being beat up, called names and sexually assaulted (2 of the guys are up for rape).

I agree though, I have no idea what was with her parents. I guess they probably didn't know the half of what was going on.
It's scary to think all these things could happen to your child without you as a parent even knowing.
I also expect that the not so obvious victims of bullying find it harder to find people to stand up for them. The nerd, the fat boy, the one with the jam jar spectacles, the ginger etc... people expect them to be teased- but these days it often seems to be either rather average or even very pretty and smart kids that fall victim to bullies.
irishbunny wrote:
When you read up more the things that were done to her would definitely drive me crazy, plus, she was most likely missing home. I mean having to start in a totally new country is hard enough, without being beat up, called names and sexually assaulted (2 of the guys are up for rape).

I agree though, I have no idea what was with her parents. I guess they probably didn't know the half of what was going on.

Statutory rape. Meaning she consented.

But what doesn't make sense becaue one guy is only 17..maybe in Ireland it is different?

Hmm. Well that is confusing. Here in the US, 15 is legal consent to have sex with someone that is under 18. Maybe it occured when she was 14?

I have no doubt these people were awful, but it also raises the question why did she sleep with 3 of the men with consent?
I thought it was only two men? One is 17 and one is 18 according to an article I just read. She may have given consent, but who knows on what grounds. Due to her being a minor, it's Statutory rape because the law see's her too young to make sound judgment calls.
i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im in middle school now and there is this one rummor goning thru the school thati kissed an 8th grader when im in 6th grade!:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::bigtears::bigtears::bigtears::bigtears::bigtears::bigtears:
From what I understand of the news reports, the girl had consensual sex. The boys bragged about it at school, sending her tormentors into a gossip frenzy.
In Michigan... A 16 yr old can sleep with any age man even an older guy like example 50. And leaves the house. And the parents cant do a thing... But when the girl gets pregnant its the parents responsibility to take care the daughter.. I think its bull crap my self

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