Cider vinegar

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Jul 31, 2013
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Apple cider vinegar
Hi all, just wanted some advice if poss. I have read elsewhere on the web that owners put a small amount if apple cider vinegar in the water bottles for their buns. Does anyone know of this or do it? It's supposed to be good for them and helps the digestive system I just wanted to gauge some opinion can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
I'd like a more thorough discussion on this topic as well. I use it (when I remember to) and I forgot the original reasoing besides helps digestion and gut flora.
Also, I went to the store today and all I could get was cider vinegar is this the same stuff it has a picture of an apple on the front but it doesn't say apple cider vinegar is this the same stuff ? I don't know whether to give them this or not
Here is the label if helps

I have heard of feeding ACV to horses to prevent uroliths from forming in horses that are fed alfalfa/ calcuim rich feeds. I have also heard that it will also break them up so as a precaution I have heard it advised not to start feeding it in a symptomatic horse. I glanced online and it seems that ACV benefits many species. I am curious what it would do do bladder crystals in cats. Hmmm?
While I am on this rant, does anyone in the UK use it if so what brand and where do you get it from and how do you administer it?
Thanks in advance
I use Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar but I am in the US. I make sure it has the "mother" in it. I have not personally been using it in my bunnies' water but now am researching & considering adding it. Thanks for the question! Oh, I don't know the brands you have available in your area but make sure it is organic & has the "mother" in it.
So what is the benefit for using ACV for rabbits? I've never heard of using it for rabbits.
I used to put ACV in my chickens water troughs to help keep the algae at bay and the help with worms, but I'm not sure that it ever helped.

I would assume though, for whatever purpose, you would want the organic with the 'mother' in it. It will say on the bottle where it has mother or not.
Good I am glad that this has got people talking its important, if their is a beneficial health implication to giving it to our fur balls then the more information we can get then the better! Hopefully people will keep adding to this and we can all get the benefit! Keep it coming folks
Just be aware, I have read of some instances of it causing digestive upset for some rabbits, and a rabbit that ended up dying afterwards, due to the digestive problems. But I know many people use it and seem to think it is helpful for their rabbits.
I've also heard it decreases the noticeable smell that rabbit urine has. Many breeders use it for various reasons
Thanks for all your input, I am still not sure what to do though, seems like their are a few issues with it
Many breeders use apple cider vinegar because its rumored to decrease rabbit urine smell like woahlookitsme already stated and it also is said to help improve production in doe's I have not personally used it, but have thought a great deal about using it and after reading the article think about using it even more.
Thanks rabbit girl, I just don't know I think I will try the braggs stuff and just put a few drops in the water to see how it goes.
Well I got a bottle of braggs today from amazon, I have put 2 bottles out one with and one without but literally just a drop in with the water so we will see how it goes
Well after reading this thread and that article above I bought some from Walmart today. The stuff I found is "Heinz Unfiltered All Natural Apple Cider Vinegar With the Mother"

Now I am unsure how much to put in my rabbits' bowl. There is about a cup of water in the bowl. Any guess as to how much apple cider vinegar to add? The article said "Add 1 to 2 tablespoons to a gallon of water".. But i suck at math and it hurts my head to even thinking about it
I use it for my birds (haven't tried it with my buns). I use one tablespoon to a gallon of water. I just use a gallon jug of water & add my tablespoon of ACV. You can either do a gallon at a time & pour into his water bowl or bottle as you give him fresh water or do a half gallon with either a half tablespoon to 1 tablespoon added. Or 32 ounces or in other words a quart you would add a 1/4 tablespoon of ACV. Anyway you can make a bit more than your bunny would need in their bowl/bottle & put the extra in the refrigerator until the next time you fill his/her water bowl/bottle. Hope this helped & not made it as clear as mud. lol