Children's Postcard Exchange

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We've just heard that Jeremy received his postcard from Matthew :)

Did Kellie receive hers?

Mike - Kristy had emailed me and said she would like to participate, but she didn't include her address in the email.

I'm hoping that Matthew will receive at least one postcard:wave:

hey pam

kellie received hers yesterday and she is sending one back to mathewwhich i will post later. she was very excited receiving a postcard frompennsylvania.
my parents think its a great idea, much better then her being stuck to the playstation!

if anyone else would like to swop a postcard with kellie can you please pm or email me at [email protected]
Hi! Pam

I was wondering what happened, The little Bugger didn't even tell meshe had gotten your email!:disgust:Luckily I checked her email and just found it . The 3TexasPostCards will be sent out this afternoon!

Sorry! Pam My girls would forget their Heads if they weren't attached.:roflmao:

P.S:I also sentyou an Email!


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Hi! Pam

My Wife took the Postcard to the Post office,She decided itwould be better to send just 1cardfornowand then when Mathew sendsKristy one She'll send himanother.

This way they can continue toLearn about each others Statesand about their bunnies or whateverthrough the Postcards andhave something elseto look forward too. :wink

Wellatleast for the 3 cardsKristy bought anyway.:sunshine:eek:r untilone or the other gets tired of doing it!:yes:

What do You Think?


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Sounds great Mike! Kristy's postcardhas also been mailed. There are a number of postcards at ourlocal drugstore that feature scenes from our surrounding lakearea. The postcard that went out today has a number ofPennsylvania landmarks including the 300 foot high Kinzu Bridge(tornado tore much of it down).


Here's our town . . .

We live directly across from the "Mark Twain Manor".

this is a great idea for the kids!

Pam, i used to live up our way, and got a real kick out of theJamestown homepage - especially the fact that "bait and tackle" islisted right under "attractions." :) (I'm down in the centralpart of PA now, in an equally remote area.... but lived as a city girlfor many years before coming here.)

Edit: you can keep all that snow corralled in the NW part of the state, too! ;)
YAY!! Emily got her postcard, and wasjust thrilled as punch (I know, mixing my metaphors...I'm known for it,hehe)!! She takes it everywhere she goes!

We'll be getting some California postcards soon, and send one out to you in a few days! :D

I'll let you know when it's in the mail. :)

Thanks! Tell Matthew he made her day!!! :D


Jamestown sounds wonderful, I checked out the site and it is absolutely beautiful.
I'd love to live there but I'm allergic to really cold weather!:laugh:

Here's A bit aboutCut NShootTx.History!

This Link describes our little Town pretty Good!


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Loved reading about the Cut N Shoot post office!

We have a dual feed store/post office out here near us. (But no elephants LOL)

However, there are wolves, cheetahs, camels, monkeys, bison, elk, zebraand a heck of a big lion and misc.othercreaturesright down the road!


Oh! Pam

That picture of Matthew with the white Deer reminds me of an email my Mom sent me.

A family Memberof oursfoundthis baby Albino Deer in the middle of the road and no Momma anywherein sight. They took it home and nursed it till the Texas Wildlife Teamcould come pick him Up.

Look at All that Pink! Eyes,Nose & hooves & how tiny it is Compared to a Size 10 Shoe!:wink


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Hi! Pam

Kristy got her Postcard from Matthew today and Loved it.

She'll be sending him another Texas Card in the next couple of days!


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Matthew was absolutely thrilled to get his postcard from Kristin today!

Many thanks and happy holidays!


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