Canned Pumpkin

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
I see people talk about giving it to their rabbits when they shed a lot, or as a treat but I really don't know what it is! Is it like the canned pumpkin you use in pumpkin pie?

I'd love to get some and make frozen treats, what do I look for?

Thanks! :)
Yes, it's the canned pumpkin filling for pumpkin pie...but make sure it's 100% pumpkin (in other words, nothing additional), and that it's unsweetened.

id also make sure that it doesn't have spices added to it. ive seen a few cans that had nutmeg and such right in with the pumpkin.

i would also suggest for a great photo opt to feed it to the buns with a spoon and take lots of photos (also to wear old cloths cause it will get all over) nothing is more funny then a pumpkin-crazed feast!


"good till the last lick"
Is there an age limit that you s hould wait to give it to a rabbit. I would like to give some to charger and he is 4 months,is that old enough?
like any veggie you want to use the same amount of caution.

i would start with giving him maybe just a tablespoon of it. then see how his system reacts to it.
Wow I never knew this! That pic is SOOOOO cute! lol I love it!

Now I know where my extra pumkin is going when I make pumkin pie!
All 6 of my bunnies absolutely HATE canned pumpkin. I don't know why. They turn their noses up at it like it's so vile and disgusting LOL.
Thanks everyone!
My rabbits are not really picky. I bet Dolla will look exactly like your bunny, Katie! And she's got a white hairy face so it'd be ALL over her! LOL!
I give an ice cube's worth (as I freeze the remainder) occasionally when they shed. Sometimes two. I guess each one is about 2 tablespoons? Have to heat it up, though.
None of my bunnies like canned pumpkin.
I keep it on hand, though, if I need to force feed if someone goes into stasis. I usually pick up a can or two whenever it's on sale.
no canned pumpkin for this guy,joseph-r-cottontail..beechnut garden vegy,s-baby food-#2- is what he loves,.-he quit eating after surgery so hand i fed him daily-critical care,,etc.-for several weeks,then he quit wanting everything,never liked pumpkin,.out of desperation i tried baby foods,gerber,beechnut,.garden vegy,s carrots,apple,etc,.saved his life and mine,.so even today every day he gets one small jar of garden vegys#2,..sincerely james waller
Here's one of Buttercup eating Pumpkin off a spoon. Sorry it's a little dark.


Hopefully this works.


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