Can rabbits (that are spayed/neutered) actually be 100% litter trained?

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Active Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Hi! I'm wanting to adopt2 rabbits and have been told that they are 100% litter trained.(They arealmost3yrs oldand both spayed/neutered.)

I've never had rabbits before, (but have done lots of research on them) and was wondering can they actually be fully litter trained. I know they can with the pee, but what about with the poo? :p

Are they like a cat, which can be trained to always pee/poo in a litter box, or do they tend to not always poo in the litter box?

I was just wondering because it would make cleaning a bit more easy if they always went in the litter box.

Let me know what you think.Do your rabbits use the litter box100% of the time?

All answers greatly appreciated. :)


I have had 4 rabbits, 3 boys and one girl. The boys have always been neutered. Frodo, Gandalf and Zander used their box 100% of the time. My female Merry, who was not spayed, would pee outside the box in the cage sometimes and was a bit messy with poops.
It does depend on the rabbit, but don't expect every single poop to end up in the litter box. Rabbits can be territorial, so they do tend to poop around what they consider their territory. This can go down as they get used to the area and if there are no other rabbits in the house.
Even with litter trained rabbits, you may get a few poops in the cage. It is best of they can fit totally in the litter box and they might poop out of it if not.

My rabbits pee and poop in the litter boxes about 95% of the time. I think it is just 1 (Amelia) that does pee in the corner of the cage (the corner without a box). There are also some poops outside the box. This is all easy to clean up and they don't poop out of the cage.
Scamp is (touch wood) 100% litter trained. Only exception is if he does a fancy foot flicking dismount from the litter tray and accidentally propels a poop out. He lives free in the kitchen with a litter tray in the corner. Then has free range of the rest of the house for an hour or so a day without access to his tray and still doesn't have accidents.

When you bring new bunnies home they often take a week or so to settle in and may mark during that period, so don't be disheartened if they aren't perfect straight away.
Yup, there are several rabbits on RO here I can think of off the top of my head that are100% litter trained. Gus is 100% trained outside his cage (he's had a few accidents, but they were all when we first got him), and about 95% in his cage. He will, on the rare occasion (and probably because he's mad at me!), pee in the corner of his cage. He also leaves a few territorial poops in his cage. But these are easy to clean up with a broom and dustpan or a vacuum cleaner.

Hope that helps!

My rabbit Coffee has been fixed and she always pee's in her litter box. I think 80% of her raisins end up in the litter box. She does poop outside of her litter box. Most of it happens when she is sleeping but at lease she doesn't wet the bed. She only drops a few while she is eating.

At least the poops are easy to clean up. I know it's gross but I don't even care if I use my hands if it's only a few. Why get the pan out.
I have two spayed females that are 100% on the pee, but they leave territorial poops. When I first brought Cindi home they had a poop war going along the fence. Happily they have down graded the military action as they have gotten to know eachother. I am hoping for a complete cese-fire once they are completely bonded and living together. Time will tell. It's not hard to clean up and it doesn't do anything to the carpeting (they don't have cages, just a fence down the middle of the room).
Hi! Thanks so much for the replies eveybody. :)

It sounds like it's possible that they could both use their litter box 100% of the time.

However, as long as they use it all the time for pee and most the time for poo, I'd be fine with that, since their poos are pretty easy to clean up. However, it certainly would be nice if they really did use their litter box 100% of the time because that would sure make cleaning easy!



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