can i walk my rabbit?

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You mean... Him walk you around the block right? Lol.

You can't really "walk" with him but you can do like Phinsmommy said. He can roam the house if you bunny proof it and make him an obstacle course made with cardboard boxes and things like that :)
yea like ms binky said...rabbits are not like dogs and they WILL NOT cooperate when on a leash. they pull YOU around! a bunny proof room is the best way to go, plus you wont get exhausted running after him!
If you have a yard and some spare time you can walk them, but it's more like walking a cat-you go where they want to go. you'll want to find a small animal harness, Violet has one that has velcro AND buckles that make it extra sucure. it's fabric and has mesh-heres a pic.


Vi really likes going out, we've had to stop for now cuz of some flea problems and we don't want her getting them! just make surehe doesn't eat anything if you're not sure if it's ok for him!


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