Can I take her outside?

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Rich Girl

Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Washington, DC, District Of Columbia, USA
So, I can protect her from traffic or dogs, but can she be walking outside or parks safely? I mean bacteria, germs, etc.?

What do you think about rabbit leash?

I am great at holding or catching any small animals since I was 4 years old, by the way. And my girl is super calm and tame.

Thanks for your help!:pinkbouce:

We take ours outside, even ones we bunnysit for friends. Never had problems with a harness and leash, but they do enjoy running around leash-free more.
However, unless we take them on vacation with us, we keep them in our yard, where we know that the grass and plants are safe for them to munch on.
And when they are leash-free, they only get to run in the screen tent, supervised by us at all times, not loose in the yard.

I wouldn't trust on being able to catch a rabbit easily outside, nor on your girl staying calm and tame, especially the first few times. They get spooked so easily when they are in an environment that they don't know.
Plus, however fast you are, a predator may still be faster!

So basically, yes, you can try taking your girl outside. I would however see how she reacts to wearing a leash first. Try it on inside, let her get used to it.
If she doesn't like a harness and leash, try getting a run or fence off an area in your yard where she can run and play, under your supervision.
Hi! I'm commenting on a lot of your questions today!

Of my 4, only Muffin likes to be outside, and that's because she loves food and sees the outside as an endless salad buffet. You do run the risk of them getting parasites, though, so make sure you keep her away from wild bunny poops, and don't let her play somewhere you've seen raccoons. Raccoons carry a parasite that can kill bunnies very quickly, and there is no treatment. Also, don't put her on grass that has recently been treated with pesticides/herbicides, and keep an eye out for dogs and cats.

Muffin only tolerates the harness because it means she gets to eat grass. Tony spends the whole time trying to chew it off, likewise with Ben and Frida. Tony also doesn't like getting dirty--he's such a prissy boy. Definitely habituate her to the harness--put it on and keep her inside, wearing it, for a few hours. Do this a couple of times before you take her outside with it. That way she'll get used to wearing it.

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