Can I please have some help and maybe some prayers?

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Okay, I don't know if I SHOULD be worried, but I AM worried. Very much so. Which is why I'm on the computer instead of being up in bed as I'm quite sick.

Somebun has been sneezing off and on this week. Not a lot, and obviously not enough for me to be able to tell who it is. But, tonight, I thought I heard it come from one of my girls. And when I listened, I instead found out it was coming from William.

So, here's the story. He's been sneezing intermittently this week. He'll be fine and then sneeze maybe 8-10 times in quick succession. Mind you, he's running around and hopping as he's doing this. I got him out of his pen a little while ago and looked him over real well - no eye or nose discharge, his paws aren't matted, and he seems to be breathing normally. He's been eating his pellets and veggies and has been drinking and has been pooping like regular - up a storm! Peeing I assume is normal as well. He doesn't seem sick or too bothered as he still comes out and is inquisitive, playful, and naughty.

Should I be worried? Okay, I am worried, but should I be as worried as I am?!

I've tried something new this week with putting hay in their litter pans along with their hay racks. Could the dust be causing him to sneeze? Also, I had just fed hay when I noticed his sneezing. And, if I remember correctly, I may have just fed the other times I noticed the sneezing. He also has new nextdoor neighbors - Silvie and Lennox. And they are adding hay dust in the air. Not to mention that Ruby's in molt and the two new girls are also having a shedding party. All my cages are well ventilated, but they are next to and above one another. With this all being the case, could he just sneeze to sneeze - like me when I get something up in my nose? Or should I be really concerned?

Any advice would be monsterously appreciated as I'm just about beside myself. He's never sneezed before that I'm aware of and he's my heart bunny...please I hope he's okay.

<3 Alexah
When theres no discharge, my first thought is slight allergies. Start by shaking out the hay (outside if you can) and sifting the dust out ofthe pellets. Also, some litters are more dusty than others. I usedYesterdays News unscented or Carefresh whenmy Max had bronchitis.

Also, be sure you arent using any cleaners, air fresheners, perfume etc in the room that could be causing him to sneeze.

If that doesnt help its possible he could have a small piece of hay stuck in his nose or something so try having a look if he'll let you.

I would wait a few days and see how he progresses. It could be the beginning of a slight infection, which would require a vet visit and some antibiotics.

I wouldnt worry too much for now. If theres no discharge and he's otherwise acting fine it could just be some extra dust or something.

Keep us posted :)
Did you recently get new hay? A new type or brand? Could it be more dusty than what he's used to? Yes, they certainly can sneeze from dust or anything else that gets up thier noses (just like us). Your first concern should be if there is a discharge. Keep a close eye on him (they can wipe it away pretty fast). Try cleaning up all the hay for a couple of hours and see if it improves. Then give them back their hay and see if he sneezes. And of course, any discharge or changes in habits should be checked by your vet.
I appreciate the quick reply. So much so that I'll probably be heading back to bed in just a minute.

For some additional information, I do feed timothy hay. And I just finished up a bale, so it was dustier than usual. Also, I think since I've been putting it in the litter pans as well as the hay racks, that's been adding dust. Sifting it out is an excellent suggestion and I will be sure to do that tomorrow morning.

As for litter, I use feline pine - so there's not too much dust there. And I am quite the allergic girl, so I tend not to use room fresheners or sprays. It could be, though, that all the loose hair is getting around. Come to think of it, I had just swept also and that could've triggered an allergy-type reaction. I will do a more thorough cleaning tomorrow regardless of whether I'm still sick.

He really does seem okay. We were just upstairs with him for about 20-minutes and heard nothing. He even ate all of his greens right up and was munching on pellets in between hopping up and down...up and down...

Like I said, it's been going on for a few days now. I couldn't tell who it was coming from, so now I know and can keep an eye on him. He's my baby (as I'm sure you all can relate) and I'm a tad obsessive when it comes to his health. I'm definitely relieved the first reply was along the lines of what I was thinking deep down as well - that it was an allergy.

I'll definitely keep an eye on the little bugger and any prayers that could be offered for us would be appreciated - we can use every little bit. Again, thanks so much. At least I can let myself sleep without fearing the worst. Hopefully my room's just dusty. Who actually knew you could be grateful for dust?!

<3 Alexah

ETA: I really don't think there was or is any discharge. He's not wiping at his face and he's been around me off and on all day and I've notnoticed anything. I took a really good look at him and saw no indication that there is or has been discharge. His nose looks a-ok on that front. But I will be diligent in checking it out and I will also experiment with the hay in the morning. Oh, and no more sneezing since the original post. Could be he just got something up his cute little bunny nose!

Excellent advice you got so far, so there's nothing to add on the probable causes of sneezing. When you have thoroughly dusted and aired the place where the buns live and having also brushed the buns which are molding, shaken well they hay outside, and sifted the dust out of the pellets, do pay a close look at him and try to record when, at what times and in the middle of doing what he's sneezing (if he still does, which I hope not).

Please revert on if he stopped sneezing or not.

Just a thought here. I am seeing more posts about rabbits sneezing. As others have mentioned, most of the time if there is not a discharge, it probably isn't an infection. Dental issues should also be considered and it doesn't have to be something you can actually see a symptom of a dental issue. But I have noticed that this issue is coming up more and more cold and much drier air have settled in. Since you are located in the mid-west....that area is a funnel for the cold and extremely dry polar air. Check the humdity in your house. Even here in NC (and it happens even in FL), the humidity levels can drop to very low readings during the winter. We humidify in the winter (helps me too since I am sneezing like crazy too). We use cool mist humdifiers. We even put some buns with respiratory issues in the bathroom, close the door and let the shower run on the finest mist we can get from the shower head. I prefer the cool mist for several reasons....among them, cooler air contains more oxygen (and the steam makes me stuffy) and the steamer is a prime breeding ground for bacteria. But look into the humidity has been a help around here.

like others have said, it could be dusty hay. i would reccommend getting an air filter/ cleaner since they are shedding and you said you have many allergies. i use a hepa filter and it sucks up a lot of junk in the air.
Well, I figured I should update everyone on what's happening with William.

I cleaned all of my buns cages, vacuumed, dusted, and generally obsessively cleaned my bedroom and their living spaces. I was upstairs in my bedroom with my buns for most of the afternoon and I didn't hear him sneeze even once. And when I looked him over I saw no evidence of nasal or occular discharge. He ate his veggies, pellets, and hay and was still primed to come out to cause a ruckus this afternoon. That being said, I'd like to think that it was just an allergic-type deal and nothing more serious.

But I'm still worried. When I went to bed last night, William sneezed a couple of times. And this morning I could've sworn I saw some discharge. But, knowing me, it was probably a figment of my imagination. I tend to go WAY overboard where their health is concerned.

So, for now, we're just waiting it out. My, "mom," checked the buns out this afternoon and swears they're all fine. And she said if need be, we will take them to the vet, but that I need to just trust that they'll be okay for now. And, he really does seem to be just fine. No changes in behavior or anything - so I need to let it least until I have something REAL to worry about.

Do you think I'm right for just waiting it out? I've not seen anything that screamed emergency or even something that warrants a call to the vet. I'm sure I'm overreacting. But, for now, thank goodness, he seems like himself.

<3 Alexah
Try not to panic. You are not wrong in being concerned. Allergies are for sure a possibility.... I have several rabbits that have them. As you are doing, shake out the hay, clean the cages... keep a close eye on it. I have dealt with Upper Respiratory and infections way more than I would have ever liked to. I've had so many rabbits come to me with, and it's no fun for anyone especially the bun, so I'm always worried about that. Pay close attention for any discharge, a little wet nose I wouldn't worry about but if you see any think white discharge or it gets worse, you should have it looked at. Otherwise just watch him, it's likely an allergy or something silly if nothing else has come of it, and it hasn't gotten worse.

A lot of my really old rabbits that I watch like a hawk do things to shock and scare me all the time, I think something is terribly wrong, and in every case it's been nothing.

Sending positive thoughts your way.
Not to scare you, but about a month ago my bun was doing the same thing. There was also no discharge for a couple of days. Then one morning I woke up and there was discharge coming from his nose. I took him to the vet that morning and two days later he was gone. The infection spread very quickly and turned from what I thought of as just allergies to him leaving me.

I, by far, do not have nearly as much experience as most of the great people on this forum, but I shrugged it off and now I regret it.

I guess what I am saying is that I would take your rabbit to the vet just to be on the safe side.

I will keep you and your bunny in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything turns out to be ok.


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