Can anyone work out Pumpkin & Poppet’s breed?

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Jun 29, 2020
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Hi all! đź‘‹

My partner and I bought these gorgeous little bunnies about a week a go from an independent pet store and in all the excitement didn’t find out what breed they are! They also didn’t come with any paperwork. In hindsight this isn’t ideal but my partner was far too excited to be deterred. We need to get our buns insured and can’t do so without knowing their breed! Can anyone figure anything out from these photos?

Pumpkin is the brown one and Poppet is white! They’re both 9 week old girls! 🥺

They're definetly lops, that's obvious. I think they might be french lops based on their bodies but their ears look so long, maybe they're english lops? Someone else could surely tell you better. They're so cute i can't help it!
My 17-week french lop Storm is saying hi!20200615_114500.jpg20200620_222249.jpg20200614_204104.jpg
They're definetly lops, that's obvious. I think they might be french lops based on their bodies but their ears look so long, maybe they're english lops? Someone else could surely tell you better. They're so cute i can't help it!

Thanks for your help Catlyn! You've narrowed the search down for us at least! :) and I know, they're amazing and take up the majority of my attention at the moment lol. Can't get anything done round the house!

Also HI STORM!!! :D
I know your feeling! When we got our first rabbit ever (a lovely gentle giant frenchie named Musti) we couldn't stop swooning over him either! I was spending LITERALLY half the day sitting in his enclosure! Too bad that he got a bad bacteria that was incurable by the time of proper pro help but yeah, i enjoyed every bit of time i had with him.
Here he was:
But since we had to let Musti leave us, we took in Storm the same day that he died. Storm is such a silly bugger-he has taken on a persistent habit of waking me up at 4 in the night with his zoomies. I am always a bit frightened that he might literally slam into a wall but he just gives me dubious looks and keeps on zooming!
Asking "Whadda ya want with me?"20200622_195605.jpg
Hi all! đź‘‹

My partner and I bought these gorgeous little bunnies about a week a go from an independent pet store and in all the excitement didn’t find out what breed they are! They also didn’t come with any paperwork. In hindsight this isn’t ideal but my partner was far too excited to be deterred. We need to get our buns insured and can’t do so without knowing their breed! Can anyone figure anything out from these photos?

Pumpkin is the brown one and Poppet is white! They’re both 9 week old girls! 🥺

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They look they could be English lops but they’re look more like mixed breeds. @SableSteel might be able to give a better guess. Most pet store bunnies are mixed breeds
They're some sort of lop mix. You can't be sure of what kind of lop though. With those longer ears on the first one I would guess maybe a french lop mix or english lop mix. The ears aren't long enough for a pure english lop, though, and the bone isn't thick enough for a pure french lop or dwarf lop.
I agree, dwarf lops or french lops, or mixes of those. Dwarf lop is a pretty common and popular breed for pets there, so that would be a likely one. How big they get might give you a better indication too.
Hi, I would also say they look more like French lop as English lops have enormous ears you would spot them easily. Since they are only 9 week old they still can change a lot. They can be mini lop or dwarf lop mix as well.

I've got a 9 week old rabbit some time ago and she was advertised as a mini lop and she looked similar to your buns. However she is nearly two year old now and she is definitely nothing to do with mini lops, she is huge actually, I think she is more French mix. Here's her photo when 8-9 week old.

Name's Smokey :) She's in my current avatar as well

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