Call for video clips

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Do you have happy bunnies? Yes? Then the RSPCA (UK) wants to see them!

"We want to produce a short video full of clips of YOUR rabbits showing lots of different rabbit behaviours. We're producing it in time for Rabbit Awareness Week (May 23-29) - as the theme for this year is rabbit behaviour.

We want to see clips of happy bunnies that have the space to hop, run, jump, dig, stand fully upright on their back legs, and stretch out when lying down. We're also keen to see the playful behaviour called 'binky' - rabbits leap like a lamb, running or hopping, tossing their heads and twisting in mid air.

How you can get involved:

You'll need a video recorder to do this, but many mobile phones have a video function nowadays, so hopefully lots of you will be able to take part.

1) Video your rabbit(s) doing any of the behaviours listed above. Please keep your clip to no longer than 1 minute long.
2) Upload your clip to
by Monday 9th May 2011.
3) We'll then go through them and pick 20+ of the best clips to edit and feature within a 1 minute video starring these happy bunnies. We'll email you when the video is about to be launched.

Thanks so much!"

RSPCA campaigns team.


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