Buy Fresh Cranberries!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I just got back from the grocery store and finally remembered to pick up more fresh cranberries while I was there. They're on sale right now, leftovers from Thanksgiving. My bunnies like them fresh, and still like them if they were frozen and dethawed. Much less sugar than craisins but still yummy and lots of good vitamins to boot.

In fact, you can just buy a bag, feed a few fresh, then pop it in the freezer and dethaw a cranberry or two when you want them by running tap water over them.

And I bought a second bag for me. Mmm, cranberry relish...
I was just at Wal-mart, they had them for 25 cents per bag. I boughttwo thinking of breads and stuff for Christmas, I never thought about feeding them to Lucy. Thanks for the heads up!

Naturestee, now here's a real stupid question:foreheadsmack:. Don't Cranberries have seeds? As you can tell i don't eat them and have never made Cranberry Sauce. YUCK:vomit:

Are they good for the urinary system like cranberry juice is good for humans? I might get mine some to try.
I love cranberries and I'm sure my bunnies would too, but I have no idea where to get them in the UK, i don't think they are as common as they are in the US, does anyone have any idea where I may be able to get some?

Anna x x x
I have no idea where to get them in the UK. They're grown in the US since they are a native plant here.

Yup, fresh cranberries as well as cranberry sauce/relish, etc. are good for the kidneys and urinary tract. That's because they are very acidic, and they have a chemical that helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder. Blueberries are the only other fruit that can do that. When my sister had chronic kidney infections for several years the docs said she had to drink lots of cranberry juice. They're also very high in antioxidents and Vitamin C.

I'm sure there are seeds since they are fruit but they're probably really tiny. I've never noticed seeds when I've used fresh cranberries.

And if Walmart has cranberries that cheap I might have to go stock up! I loooove cranberries!

Soooska, have you ever had anything made with fresh/frozen cranberries, or just the canned crud? I know a lot of people have only ever had the canned stuff which is just awful. This year I made cranberry-orange relish, my mom made cranberry-apple sauce, and someone brought a cranberry walnut pie. Cranberry nut bread is awesome too! I've also made a cranberry-apple crisp that was really good too.
Since they are freshand don't have the sugar of crasins so can they be an everyday treat or not? After reading the first post I gave Lucy two, she LOVED them!

star_girl wrote:
I love cranberries and I'm sure my bunnies would too, but I have no idea where to get them in the UK, i don't think they are as common as they are in the US, does anyone have any idea where I may be able to get some?

Anna x x x

At the moment they seem to be selling them at Tesco in preparation for Christmas, soI bet they would be in other stores too.

There will be lots more around because it goes with Turkey for Christmas, so keep your eyes peeled.
Angela if I give you my address you can send me all those wonderful treats you mentioned. YUM YUM :woohoo:roflmao::whistling:eats::clapping:They all sound wonderful, now I'm hungry.

oh brilliant! Thanks! I'll pop down to Tesco tomorrow! I looked a few months ago, but I never thought about them being around nearer christmas!

If I bought a few, because they are only about at christmas do you think they would be ok to freeze? I freeze other berries for when I make Smoothies. If I did freeze them, once defrosted would they be ok for the bunnies to have still? This is probably a stupid question but I wouldn't want to give them them if they wern't going to be ok.

Anna x x x
Cranberries actually freeze very well. The bags I buy them in say to just stick the whole bag in the freezer, but I'm not sure how yours will be packaged. The only difference with the frozen and thawed cranberries is that they're a little mushy, but my rabbits didn't mind at all.
I never thought of giving them fresh cranberries. I gave them to the rats, but not the rabbits, lol.

naturestee wrote:
Cranberries actually freeze very well. The bags I buy them in say to just stick the whole bag in the freezer, but I'm not sure how yours will be packaged. The only difference with the frozen and thawed cranberries is that they're a little mushy, but my rabbits didn't mind at all.

Would they have to be completely thawed? I was thinking that if they were still particially frozen they would resemble there original crispness. I'm not talking right out of the freezer but maybe if they just sat on the counter for a few minutes or so instead of running then under water. What do you think? Also is it okay to give them everyday?

If your rabbit likes them frozen, that's fine. Fey's favorite treat is actually a raspberry juice pop, I keep it in a bag in the freezer let her take a few bites off of it at a time. The cranberries do get a little mushy when frozen and thawed out.

I don't give treats every day, although cranberries are so low in calories- 30 per 1/2 cup- that it would probably be ok. Like with anything else, watch the poops and urine for problems. Lucy's going to be a happy bun.:D
Didn't find any fresh cranberries today, but I did see some packaged dried cranberries at Walmart.

Has anyone heard of the brand Joe's Tasty Travels? There was a whole line of dried fruits, cranberries, blueberries, nuts in the packaging. Best part was they are cheaper than the Ocean Spray Craisins.
In th UK you can buy cranberrys in the supermarket and there are widely avalible on the run up to Christmas. When I was in Tesco last week they were half price for a BIG bag £1.99 - I was going to buy some but didnt want them to spoil as I didnt know they can be frozen

There is also a new dried craisn avalible in Asda that is sugar and additive free, MUCH healthier. I cant remember the name but they were in the bakery section with other dried fruit. They were £1.99 for a medium sized bag, more expensive than craisins
Our sale price is $0.85 a bag. Too bad they weren't lower, but I boought 4 bags anyway. They have a ton of them left so hopefully the price will drop again soon.

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