Bunny toy help!!!!

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Jan 25, 2014
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I want to give Balthazar some toys so he's not sitting in his cage very bored, but He has payed attention to anything but hay so far. I've given him some stick things and even toilet paper rolls but he doesn't care for either. What do you give your bunny? What should I try with him?
Maybe try something with a bell in it. Like a cat ball. I know some bunnies won't notice a toy unless it makes noise. If that fails you could always hide treats in your toys wherever you can fit them!
My buns only seem to like cardboard boxes and pieces of cardboard. I do want to get some cat treat balls and put some pellets in. Pellets are called bunny crack in this house so they should like that.

Different ideas are: Paper towel or toilet paper tubes. You can even stuff them with hay. Paper bags, dried pinecones, plastic slinkies, hard plastic toys such as baby keys, cat balls, apple sticks. Tunnels.
I emptied out a pill bottle and put some small dry beans in it and my bunnies lOVE it! They also love cat toys with bells

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