Bunny poo...need help!

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Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
From what I understand rabbits' poo is supposed to look like cocoa pebbles...at least the ones that we see and not the ones they ingest. But I was wondering if there is anything threatening to his health if I have been finding a few more than usual rather crumbly pieces in his litter box. It is not to the point of runny or mushy but rather than being hard spheres they tend to break up more easily.

Another question is should I be really concerned if I am finding a few string of pearls in his litter box? He is a rather hairy rabbit being an angora and he seems to still have a healthy appetite for both his pellets and hay. How many string of pearls is normal and how much is threatening to his health?

Thanks for your help!
Sounds perfectly fine. The dry broken ones are normal to see. The Pearly ones are the cecals that they "should consume". Keep an eye on that. Make sure hay and fresh water is available.;)
A "bunch" of little pearls stuck in a cluster and looks like a big blackberry - those are cecals and the ones we expect bunnies to eat as part of their diet.

However, the string of pearls attached by fur is what we see when a bunny has ingested a lot of fur and is eliminating it from their system. This is good to see coming out rather than a complete blockage, but still, being an angora she needs to be groomed fairly often, perhaps even daily, in order to prevent stringy poops.

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