bunny doesn't want to move after leg surgery

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May 11, 2020
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I hope those of you who celebrate it had a nice easter.

My question is about my little boy Fred. He's 3, and after displacing his hip he got surgery around 5-6 weeks ago.

He had around 4 weeks of vet-ordered tiny-cage-time, he occasionally got to walk around the room a bit so he wouldn't go insane but overall he barely moved for a long time.
Over the past week or so I've slowly transitioned him to free-roam, his (now open) cage is still his place to go to hide in but he has another hiding spot and litter box under a chair outside, which he loves.
The thing is just that he doesn't want to move at all. He only alternates between his cage and the chair like twice a day, and that's it. The rest of the day he just naps or sits or eats, hidden.

He's extremely shy overall, especially around people. He wouldn't have been happy to just run around a room with healthy legs, of course he won't with a hurt one.
Putting him in a room he doesn't know yet helps a bit, curiosity is stronger than his fear and he'll explore for a little bit. But then he's back to hiding and that's it. I would do this every day but unfortunately I've ran out of rooms, haha.

I'm very concerned because there has been zero improvement in the hurt leg. He won't use it, he exclusively uses the healthy leg even when he sits, so he's constantly falling to the side a little.
I hope it's just because he needs to learn to use it again and rebuild his muscles, which is why I'm asking. I don't want to put him through more vet visits, he's a fragile baby :(

I've tried a bit of physical therapy, lifting him up and moving the leg the way it's supposed to but it terrifies him and I'm scared to hurt him more.

If you guys have any ideas I would be very happy to hear them.

Thank you!
Is he still on pain meds?
No, he only got them until like 4 days after the surgery. he didn't take them well and lost his appetite
Which pain meds did he get, and what dose? (and what's his weight?)

My boy has athrosis in the hip, and regularily needs Meloxicam (Metacam, Loxicom etc.), with no ill effects.

Edit: Bei meinem Knaben macht es einen riesen Unterschied, so zwischen am Leben verzweifeln und fröhlich seiner Dame nachhoppeln und auf die Nerven gehen. Hab ihn auch schon mal mit Ibuprofen über's Wochenende gebracht. Nur positiver Effekt auf Appetit.
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Yes, which pain meds was he on? Also, has he been to the vet at all since his surgery, for the vet to check the function of the leg, and if so, how long ago was the check up?
He's been to the vet 3 times after, a regular check on the wound and leg, then the emergency visit and a bit later to get the stitches out.
He's around 2.1 kg, which is very low for him. Normally he's at 2.5. The pain med is meloxicam (Melosus) he got 0.5ml a day.
I think all the stress made it worse, too. He had to wear a cone for a bit, that was horrible and definitely didn't help
Which pain meds did he get, and what dose? (and what's his weight?)

My boy has athrosis in the hip, and regularily needs Meloxicam (Metacam, Loxicom etc.), with no ill effects.

Edit: Bei meinem Knaben macht es einen riesen Unterschied, so zwischen am Leben verzweifeln und fröhlich seiner Dame nachhoppeln und auf die Nerven gehen. Hab ihn auch schon mal mit Ibuprofen über's Wochenende gebracht. Nur positiver Effekt auf Appetit.

Oh je, armer Kerl.
Hatte auch schon einige verschiedene Fälle die Schmerzmittel gut vertragen haben, ich denke dass bei ihm einfach sehr viel nicht gepasst hat was dann zusammengekommen ist.
Die Tierärztin meinte, dass er lieber ein bisschen Schmerzen am Bein haben soll als dass er gar nichts frisst und Bauchweh hat
All I can think is there might still be an issue with the leg. Maybe nerve pain. It might be good to have your vet take a look again. You could ask to try pain meds again. If meloxicam still causes loss of appetite, maybe a different pain med.