bunny biting viciously when a new rabbit is brought into the home?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
I don't cry very easily, but I spent the past five minutes crying onto my boyfriend's chest. Rory attacked me out of nowhere. I suppose "attack" may be a strong word, but I have combined bunny experience of 7 1/2 years and have never had a bunny do what he did. Rory is usually the SWEETEST rabbit, in the 6 months we've had him, he's bitten twice- once randomly on Paul's side (not hard enough to leave a mark), and once on my hand when I was petting him and he was licking the couch instead of me so I put my hand near his face (also not hard enough to leave a mark). Rory is a very loving and gentle bunny. He was neutered in November and is approximately 13 months old.

So, on to what happened. Rory had been out playing in the living room for the past few hours, and I was sitting on the couch holding our new bunny, Mylo. I decided it was time to put all the bunnies to bed and walked past Rory to put Mylo in his temporary pen in the kitchen. After Mylo was in his pen, I turned around and kneeled next to Rory, talking sweetly to him, and reached out to pet him because if I pet him a few times, he always lets me pick him up. Paul had been sitting on the floor petting him about a couple minutes earlier in the same spot, and Rory was fine. But when I reached out to pet Rory, he growled and lunged and grabbed ahold of my finger on the palm side right where the finger meets the palm. He bit hard and wouldn't let go, but I was able to tear my hand away. Then he growled again and lunged for my arm, grabbing ahold of my sleeve. He wouldn't let go until I stood up and had to shake my arm. He kept growling and lunged for my leg, but I backed into the kitchen (he hates linoleum and won't go on it). He kept growling at me and had his tail straight up in the air and was kind of "charging" me but wouldn't come onto the linoleum. Of course, the whole "attack" took place in about 5 seconds. Paul came over to Rory and Rory didn't try to bite him, by this time his tail was back down. Paul pushed Rory's head to the floor gently with his foot (he was unwilling to put his hands near the bunny's head!) and we told him "NO!". He didn't seem phased by it and Paul shooed Rory back into his cage.

What the heck happened? What made my darling bunny bite me so viciously out of nowhere? I wasn't even trying to do something he doesn't like, he LOVES being petted and melts into the floor. He'd just done the melting thing with Paul a minute before. I'm sure he would have continued trying to bite me if I hadn't backed into the kitchen. I'm suspecting the attack has to do with the new bunny, who we brought home last night. He met Mylo shortly last night through the cage bars, and was clearly not happy with the idea of another (unneutered male) bunny in the house and he spent a good part of the day staring at Mylo in his cage. And maybe Rory saw that I had just been holding Mylo and giving him attention? Come to think of it, a couple months ago when I was trying to introduce Rory and Tallulah, he attacked Tallulah and when I gently pushed him away, he tried to attack me next but stopped when I told him "NO!" and pushed him again gently. He didn't bite me that time.

Does anyone have an idea of what Rory was thinking? Why would he feel the need to attack me? I'm most definitely his favorite person, I was actually surprised when he "melted" for Paul during pets. Do I need to look out for Rory randomly going after me again? Even though he's just a bunny, it was a pretty scary and surprising experience. I love Rory like crazy and the idea of being nervous around him makes me sad.

The bite from him is the worst rabbit bite I've had- Tallulah bit me for the first time last week (I stopped petting her and she disapproved), and left behind a swollen purple bruise, and Cinny bit sometimes and made me bleed a little, but this bite is something else. The skin is all torn up and it took a while to stop bleeding. Pretty darn impressive!

Sorry this is so long :( This sounds dumb, but my feelings were really hurt (which is why I was crying). I know he's an animal and I certainly won't hold this against him, but my gosh. I don't want it to happen again!
Oh man I know the feeling. Connor is my baby but one day I was petting Elvis and he could see right after I went to pet Connor. He bit my finger so hard.

Mylo is a a brand new unneutered male in Rory's home. So I am not to surprised he reacted like that. You may have to make sureRory does not see you with Mylo, make sure your hands are washed before you touch him and hopefully that is enough if not you may have to change clothes too.
oh gosh :(

Bo did that. Infact, I have to be careful now cause he learned he could bite and would get a reaction.

The other night I was holding him and yelled at Lexi about the time I turned my face towards her/him, he was right on my chest and turned to bite me. I have a small cut on my chin right now. **I should say I believe he did it because I had moved and messed up his "fluffing" of a blanket all over me!**

It will get better, but I learned that if I want to touch Bo - I have to do it before I touch Tony or I have to take a shower - honestly.
Also I know how much emotionally it hurts, when Connor bit me I burst into tears. I was alone, but when my husband came home after I told him and burst into tears again.

Shiloh, gosh I know exactly what you are saying. Years ago when Buttercup was are only bunny I went to an Easter party that had a bunch of baby bunnies. When I came home and petted Buttercup he attacked me and I do mean attacked me.

Now picture this, here's a 3 pound bunny running after me trying to bite me. I litterly jumped on the sofa and phoned Chris at work to tell him. :crazinessHis reply to me was put him back in the cage, I said yeah and just how am I suppose to catch him without being mauled to death (ok I'm exaggerating a bit). I finally got him in the cage with a stick guiding him there. I took a shower to get the smell off of me, changed all my clothing. He seemed ok after that.

Two weeks later I put the overalls on that I was wearing the day of the Easter party an low and behold didn't he go nuts again and stated to attack me. Needless to say those new overalls were thrown out, I was not taking the chance of having "Killer Buttercup" attacking me again.

They DO attack! and it's scary! and like Ali said - emotionally it's like heartwrenching!

I assume it's because they smell the other bunny and that other bunny is messing with their herd/warren and with Bo it was his MAMA! The cat isn't allowed near his Mama, the dog can come close but she cannot lay next to his Mama, and that thing that sleeps next to his Mama gets a pee spot on his side of the bed if Bo gets the chance......
I'm pretty scared now :nerves1

What should we do if a bunny attacks us?
Because its usually either just me or my sister with the bunnies our parents only come and see them.

Bo B Bunny wrote:
They DO attack! and it's scary!
I assume it's because they smell the other bunny

And then there's Bo's hatred of ONIONS!!!!

When I fostered Buckley, I had to be very careful to handle him last, and then I had to wash and change clothes before interacting with any of the other buns.....or else get bit.

My Chippy is the one most sensitive to smells...and the most aggressive against the ones she doesn't like...such as;
new/strange bunnies in the house, smell from BBQ grilling, onions/garlic (just like Bo), and Purell :shock:go figure.
Not only do I scrub my hands, I also rub them really good with hay after washing them.

And then there's Binkie....who attacks just for the fun of it.
I can't turn my back on her when she's out or she attacks my ankles.
I always keep a NIC grid cube nearby in case I have to plop it over her.

Don't feel bad Shiloh, it doesn't have anything to do with Rory's feelings toward you. If you were handling Mylo, Rory would have smelled Mylo on your hand when you went to pet him and that's why he attacked you. If you give Rory an object with Mylo's scent on it (maybe one of Mylo's toys or stuffed animals), I'm almost certain he would attack that as well.

I'm really sorry to hear that Rory is so aggressive at the introduction of a new bunny :(. The only advice that I can offer is to wash your hands thoroughly so that Rory doesn't smell Mylo on you. The clothes thing is harder...I mean who wants to change clothes just to go say hi to the other bunny. Well, I really hope Rory calms down with this. I'm sure that once Mylo is neutered things will be a lot better :)

BabyBunnies, I wouldn't worry about your bunnies attacking, because not all bunnies are like this. From my personal experience I have NEVER gotten bitten by either Billy or Ronnie. Billy hates Ronnie and would go after him ferociously if given the chance, but Billy will never bite me, no matter how much I have Ronnie's scent on me. Same with Ronnie...I can have Billy's scent on me and Ronnie will not bite.
If I remember right - Rory is your first rabbit - right? Then you added another one in Dec/Jan and now Mylo - right?

Rory could be partly jealous - after all - he was the "only" rabbit for a bit and then you added one and now you've added another. He may be feeling very territorial about his area or his playtime and afraid you're going to put him back and he's not going to get to play as much...etc.

Something that has been hard for me to learn and I have to remind myself sometimes - is that while we may give our rabbits human characteristics and stuff when we think about them ... they are still rabbits and they still act on instinct. They may do things that bother us but they do it because they feel they're supposed to do it. They just can't help themselves.

I'm guessing he smelled the other rabbit on you and either got jealous or scared or whatever...and he bit. I am so sorry he did that but somehow - it was what he thought he should do. Maybe he hung on because he was scared of what would happen if he let go...I dont' know.

There are times I'll see Miss Bea do something and I can see in her eyes she's thinking, "oh boy...I'm in such trouble" but she keeps doing it because she's scared to stop and find out how much trouble she's in. (She's not exactly been good the last few days and if I try to hold her and talk to her and pet her and calm her down - she gets really upset at first even though she loves to be held).

I guess what I'm trying to say is to tell yourself that Rory wasn't trying to hurt you as much as he was trying to react to a perceived threat - whether it was because he was jealous or scared or just the smell of Mylo bothered him.....

I'm sure with time he'll be back to normal.

It's like you described exactly my situation with my Misty and Charlie. I had Misty for about 6 months, and she was totally bonded to me, would cuddle with me, spend the whole day with me etc. Then we got Charlie (to keep her company) and she was not impressed and became really really clingy - wouldn't leave my side, lots of begging for cuddles. Then on the 2nd day he was there, she saw me holding Charlie and cuddling him.... after that moment, all hell broke lose.

She was chasing me, attacking me, jumping off the sofa to try to get to my head so she could kill me I think. There was scratching, biting, clawing.... I think her eyes were glowing red - truly the Monty Python attack rabbit. I could not be in the same room with her for about 2 weeks to be honest (she's a bit passionate). Then it calmed down, she got used to the smell of the other bunny and it took a while for them to bond, but she did calm down.

I suspect Rory will calm down as well, don't be too alarmed, but there is another bunny he doesn't know in his area, getting cuddled by his mama... so he's probably a bit peeved. :) Wash you hands, change your clothes etc. between pettings. Also, you can start putting things that smell like the new bun in Rory's area so he can gets used to the smell of the new little one.


Thank you so much everyone for all of the insight and stories! I can't tell you how much it means to me :hug: I wasn't aware of how common this behavior is and while I'm sorry the same thing has happened to so many other people, it's good to know Rory isn't the only one.

I get the feeling that Rory's behavior was because he SAW me playing with Mylo. The reason I think this is that there were many times during the day yesterday and the night before when I would pet Mylo, then go and pet Rory and there were no problems. When Rory bit last night, he had just seen my walk by holding Mylo and undoubtedly saw me just a few feet away kissing Mylo's head and talking to him and putting him back in his pen and petting him. I'm pretty sure that's the first time Rory saw me actually petting Mylo. When we brought Tallulah home, he never attacked me when he saw me playing with her (maybe because she's a girl and was a baby at the time?), but his eyes would go wide when he saw me with her and if he was out of his cage, he'd come over to me and want my attention. Also, Rory's gotten much better with Tallulah over the past months (we've had her for 4) and now is usually okay with her shoving her nose into his cage. However, when we brought Tallulah home from the bunnysitters' last night and let her run around the room, Rory pretty much freaked out in his cage. He would do anything to get at her. And actually right at this moment, Tallulah is out of her cage and trying to sniff Rory and he's doing the same thing! He hasn't acted towards her like this for a good couple of months. He hadn't seen her since Saturday morning.

The night before last when I "introduced" the bunnies, Mylo was in his cage and I brought Rory in to sniff him through the bars. Rory sat in my lap and immediately started getting antsy when he saw Mylo. He alternated between lunging at the pen to try to bite Mylo, and trying to run away (he hates the linoleum though so he didn't actually run off). Rory actually looked scared, he had his scared look and then he started grinding his teeth! We only spent 10-15 seconds by Mylo's pen, then I took Rory back into the living room and hugged him and kissed him and fed him treats so he'd calm down. During their mini introduction, Rory didn't actually see me touching Mylo and Mylo didn't react at all to Rory's presence, other than curiously sniff the pen's bars. Then all day yesterday before the "attack", Rory would run over to where the carpet meets the kitchen's linoleum and stare at Mylo. He did it for a long time and Mylo thumped a few times at first until I went in to tell Mylo it was okay and pet him. So I guess Rory may have seen me petting Mylo then, I don't remember.

Do you think it would work to try to figure out if it's Mylo's scent on me or Rory seeing me with Mylo that makes him angry? My plan is to go out tonight and buy a stuffed animal and put it in Mylo's cage overnight, then tomorrow give it to Rory and see how he reacts. If he attacks it or acts aggressively, that will make me think Rory is reacting to Mylo's scent. Does this sound like a reasonable "test"? Then I might try to sit in front of Rory's cage (with him in it!) and hold Mylo and give him attention, then approach Rory's cage and see how he reacts to me being there. If Rory reacts to seeing me play with Mylo but not to his scent, I'll keep Mylo upstairs in our bedroom until after his neuter and play with Mylo up there. If Rory reacts to Mylo's scent, I'll have to do the changing clothes and washing hands thing between playing with the two. I already have to change my clothes between Tallulah and Mylo because of Tallulah's possible coccidea, so what's one more change of clothes?

I really hope that Rory eventually accepts Mylo's presence and doesn't feel threatened enough to bite me! Poor Rory. I'd been hoping that maybe I could eventually form a trio with the three bunnies, but I don't know if that will happen! I wasn't planning on it working, but a girl can dream. Mylo's neuter is scheduled for May 5th, so we'll see how Rory acts after that. Please let this pass!

Thanks again everyone! And how does my "plan" sound?
Aww Shiloh, I'm not surprised you were upset!

I agree with what everyone else has said though... it definately seems like it's to do with Rory being scared/threatened of/not liking Mylo, and not you. Didn't you say that Mylo will be neutered soon? I'm betting that it will get tons better after that... and probably Rory might even get used to another bunny being around sooner than that..


Yes, the stuffed animal thing sounds like a really good test. That way you will know for sure what the issue is. I know for my bunnies, scent is not an issue at all, but they do get very jealous when they see me interacting with the other bun! :)
Time for an update! I put a stuffed animal in Mylo's cage on Thursday, and just a few minutes put it in Rory's cage. He kind of attacked it when I set it down, but no growling or anything. Then he sniffed it all over and now... he's licking it. Why is he licking it? It even has some Mylo pee on it. And he's still mad at me :( When I reach in his cage to pet him, he might let me pet him for a second, but then he hops away from me and gives me the butt. Tonight I'm going to try feeding him baby lettuces one piece at a time. Any ideas for helping him like me again? He will eventually want to be with me again, right? I know I need to give him time, but I'm eager for him to be a happy bunny again.

Also, we thought maybe it would help him get used to Mylo's scent if their cages were nearby, so Mylo's cage is on top of Rory's. Good idea or no? Neither bunny seems disturbed by the arrangement, though at first Rory would stand on his back legs to try to get closer- this could have just been because he's not used to something sitting on top of his cage!
I don't have worries about jealousy, all my bunnies are used to smelling others on me, because I have so many. I definatly know what you mean about it really hurting your feelings, though. I expect to be bitten by some of my rescues, but when Sammy bit me...! I mean, I raised him myself, and he had never shown any kind of aggression before, so when he took a chunk out of my arm, at first I just went ow. Then when it dawned on my that my Sammy just bit me, and hard too, I burst into tears and asked him why he did that to me. Oddly, he didn't answer....
wow thats a scary story! lol my boys dont like eatherother but they live right next to eatchother. ill come up to smokys cage first and pet him... then i immediatly go next door and wolverine always gives me kisses on my nose (lol weird huh?) they never seem to mind the shared attention..just as long as they know there turn is coming :) lol


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