Bun mom needing some more advice please :)

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Jun 5, 2021
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Bunny advice needed :)
So I lost my girl after 9 years a few months ago now and I have a male bun as well ! Both were not fixed but my male bun”Luke” he grew up with her as he’s only just hitting a year next month :) both lived in separate cages as I do not breed and I never did bond them fully as she was so much older and could not be fixed at her age! So they lived about two feet away from eachother in cages and a xpen around the cage to roam in and out and when they get free roam it’s always separate and blocked off from the other rabbit! But my question is would he be upset and maybe start his territory marking/spraying if I bring a male into the home even if there not together I just don’t want to make my Luke feel uncomfortable either ! And I also don’t want the hassle of them spraying everywhere either ! And Luke the male I have now is very clean! Doesn’t spray or hump anything and always goes poo in his one spot in his cage he’s such a good boy and he’s not fixed! But I also hear stories of male bums not fixed and they sound like trouble makers peeing everywhere and ext. but I would also love another bun to maybe help my heart heal as it’s been so hard 💜
Any advice would help! Thanks in advance ☺️💜🐰
Bunny advice needed :)
So I lost my girl after 9 years a few months ago now and I have a male bun as well ! Both were not fixed but my male bun”Luke” he grew up with her as he’s only just hitting a year next month :) both lived in separate cages as I do not breed and I never did bond them fully as she was so much older and could not be fixed at her age! So they lived about two feet away from eachother in cages and a xpen around the cage to roam in and out and when they get free roam it’s always separate and blocked off from the other rabbit! But my question is would he be upset and maybe start his territory marking/spraying if I bring a male into the home even if there not together I just don’t want to make my Luke feel uncomfortable either ! And I also don’t want the hassle of them spraying everywhere either ! And Luke the male I have now is very clean! Doesn’t spray or hump anything and always goes poo in his one spot in his cage he’s such a good boy and he’s not fixed! But I also hear stories of male bums not fixed and they sound like trouble makers peeing everywhere and ext. but I would also love another bun to maybe help my heart heal as it’s been so hard 💜
Any advice would help! Thanks in advance ☺💜🐰
Sorry for your loss. 😭 I am not sure. I would let other people reply.:)
Well, I my boy lived outside in the hutches next to the girls until he was 2, and sprayed a lot. During garden time he started to venture into the house, and behaved perfectly, so when I ran out of hutch space I made him my free roam house bunny 3 years ago. Perfect litter habits, didn't chew anything. A year later I got him a doe spayed as cuddlebun, since then there are some accidents to mop up now and then, mostly in spring though when he tries to spray her. Otherwise perfect house bunny.
Well, I my boy lived outside in the hutches next to the girls until he was 2, and sprayed a lot. During garden time he started to venture into the house, and behaved perfectly, so when I ran out of hutch space I made him my free roam house bunny 3 years ago. Perfect litter habits, didn't chew anything. A year later I got him a doe spayed as cuddlebun, since then there are some accidents to mop up now and then, mostly in spring though when he tries to spray her. Otherwise perfect house bunny.
That’s awesome to hear :) and I’m so glad it worked out for you as well :)!
I am just worried he might get depressed or upset also with another male being around in the home even though they would never be able to be closer then two feet to eachother as there comes would be blocked that way! I had it like that when I also had my female she wasn’t fixed and neither is he! But never bothered them ! My girl was just like wanting nothing to do with him lol flop right out beside with him looking at her she was very mellow :) and we’ll for him he was always well behaved as well flopped and was comfortable with her beside him like not directly but they could forsure see eachother still! But I’m not sure if it was because she was female ?. And he also grew up with her beside him ? Do you think I would make him upset bringing another male into the home ?.
That’s awesome to hear :) and I’m so glad it worked out for you as well :)!
I am just worried he might get depressed or upset also with another male being around in the home even though they would never be able to be closer then two feet to eachother as there comes would be blocked that way! I had it like that when I also had my female she wasn’t fixed and neither is he! But never bothered them ! My girl was just like wanting nothing to do with him lol flop right out beside with him looking at her she was very mellow :) and we’ll for him he was always well behaved as well flopped and was comfortable with her beside him like not directly but they could forsure see eachother still! But I’m not sure if it was because she was female ?. And he also grew up with her beside him ? Do you think I would make him upset bringing another male into the home ?.
Oh I’m also worried about them spraying excessively because both male! Lol but my Luke boy now doesn’t spray I haven’t seen it once ? He doesn’t hump or anything ! Which i heard like every other male bun does this and he’s almost a year so he forsure would have by now! He forsure does have a stronger smelling pee then my girl Bun did so I’m guessing that’s the male in him tho lol but not a spray!
Why don’t you get another female bun?
I was hesitant on even getting one as I am still very sad about loosing my girl Luna but thinking maybe this may also help! I came across a bun that looks like her same spots and all ! But he’s a boy unfortunately! As I would have rathered a girl but that’s okay!
Unfortunately there's no way to know for sure until you actually try it. But chances are, it could set off a marking war. If not with your current bun, you also have to consider how the new bun will react. So it's likely that at least one of them is going to want to exhibit marking behavior. Unless you're really really lucky and have two perfectly behaved hormonal males. Definitely hasn't been my experience though.
Unfortunately there's no way to know for sure until you actually try it. But chances are, it could set off a marking war. If not with your current bun, you also have to consider how the new bun will react. So it's likely that at least one of them is going to want to exhibit marking behavior. Unless you're really really lucky and have two perfectly behaved hormonal males. Definitely hasn't been my experience though.
Thank you for the advice :) I was also thinking that as well!! Would it be differnt if I got the baby spayed you think?. And I really wonder how come Luna and Luke were so good with it ?! Would that be because she was a girl beside him?. Thank you :)

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