Hello everybody! My name is Alyshia and my bunny is Misty. She is a 1-year-old harlequin that I saved from a meat seller
We joined rabbitsonline because she got a boo-boo on her eye that I needed advice about, but now that she's getting better I thought we should say hi! Misty is a very friendly and curious bun. She's not scared of anything other than slippery surfaces and water, so she is always excited to meet new people/animals and explore new places. She lives at college with me part-time so she gets lots of attention there, but when she's home she loves to play with my other pets. We have a small zoo in our house; cats, dogs, guinea pigs, a chinchilla, and Misty! Her favorite friends are our cats, probably because they are about the same size as her. She especially loved my own cat, Larry, but I lost him a few months ago. Now, she plays with my family's 4 other cats. The problem is that the cats aren't so crazy about Misty. They always run away from her, but Misty likes chasing after them
If she gets them to stay still she just sniffs and boops them, although sometimes she mounts them thinking they're a rabbit, which explains why they run... She also likes one of my dogs and boops him then puts her head down and waits for him to pet her (he just sniffs her though). Does anybody else's bunnies have unusual friends?? Please share!