Bun is licking me all the time

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Jun 16, 2010
Reaction score
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Binky has been licking me alot the last few weeks, is he licking the salt from my skin or something or what is up. Today i was laying on the floor with him and he licked up one arm, across my cheeks and down the other arm, then lay down next to me for a rest. I didnt think rabbits needed salt licks or anything, whats this guy up to? licking for salt, grooming me. I find it absolutely adorable but kinda worried it could be something he needs in his diet or something. Hes getting unlimited hay, some romaine and other small amounts of safe vegetables and martins pellets.
That is a great privlidge, to be licked by your bunbun :)

Both of my buns lick me as well, and it's definitely the bunny grooming you.

Solara used to lick all the time but since I've bonded her to Sabriel, she's started licking him more than me):

Sabriel licks the same spot so much it grows sore! XD He's a very lovey and cuddly bun.

Many people will tell you that you're very lucky to have you bunny lick you <3 Binky loves you!
Awwwwwwwwww, I love him too. I am happy it isnt a salt or dietary problem, it kind of worried me. I usually kiss him all over and then he starts the licking, maybe he thinks I am grooming him too:biggrin: another thing he has started recently is pooping on me while he is licking me, I guess he is tehre so long licking he's gotta go potty. He is soo sweet. I am so happy to know its grooming.. thank you guys, I feel all warm and fuzzy now, that is soooo cute!!!!
Don't they have the softest tongues too? I loooove bunny kisses. Much better then being groomed by a sandpaper tongue from a cat. Lol. Yeah, being sprayed is a 'privilege' as well. It's a bit less fun though... :expressionless:p
His tougue is soo soft, he just sits there licking me so I starts kissing him like I am grooming him and he loves it, binks around everywhere like its the best thing in the world. I love him, he is soo affectionate and I love how cheeky he is, if he knows he isnt supposed to do something like say haul the cardboard out of my movie cases he will wait until you arent watching and go over to the movies( they are bunny proofed though) then he will bink all over the place because he makes it a game. I really think its soooo cute he never really destroys anything just makes it a game..:biggrin: This is the first time Ive had a rabbit and I find it soooo amusing, they are so smart and cheeky its adorable!!!!
Cheeky certainly is a good word for describing bunnies :biggrin2: I'm glad you are really enjoying rabbit ownership!
Oh I am loving it, I own guinea pigs also, I have had pigs for years and years but rabbits, wow its a totally different experience, pigs are so cute but bunnies are so interactive and loving, my guinea pigs are smart they wheek when you rattle a bag or open the fridge and one does circles for treats but the rabbit is amazing! its like the dog of the small animal world.. I love it and I dont think I could live without one around the house anymore. Binky my young lionhead is litter trained( mostly)and is out of his cage while I am home al the time with his cage door open so he can go to the litter and have a bite to eat, he sprawls on the floor lets you know when he wants some attention its amazing!!!!
Lol I know exactly what you mean. I used to have guinea pigs as well... They were my favorites for such a long time. I still love them but rabbits have my heart. I thought of getting guinea pigs recently actually. I think they're both awesome. How lucky you are to have both :biggrin2: I miss the vocal piggies!
I know I am so lucky with my piggies, they arent very active like my bun but they are soo sweet. My 2 year old female pig named Wheeky thinks she is the queen of the house, I have never heard a pig wheek louder, its almost shrill she lets you know when its veggie time for sure, I have a male but I am rehoming him because I think he needs company and my female wont accept him. Hes so lonely even though they all live in my living room in a huge four level c&c cage. Thank god for those cages, you can make them as big as you want.
no, I have a very small house and then what if that new pig didnt take to my original one, I have had that happen before and ended up with about 5 pigs all in separate c&c's :biggrin:
you should be very happy your bun is licking you

very few bun owners have buns licking them.

Snowflake usually licks me.

so praise your good bun:bunnyangel:



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