Bugsy's been spayed

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I'm still feeding Excel pellets for juniors which the vet thought was the best anyway. I'll try to get some Burgess hay - not sure what the stuff is that we've got at the moment.

Yes, that's her in the avatar. She's got the cutest little face - she really gets me when she lies in her litter tray, rests her head on the edge and gazes up at me.... gets me every time!!

She was a bit more lively this evening - she's an outside bunny but comes in for a play quite often,. Since the op we've kept her in the kitchen but tonight she's been sneaking around the house trying to get to rooms she isn't normally allowed in. Such a minx!But that's a good sign, I hope. Mind you, not sure how I'll steal myself to put her outside when she's healthy again.I've got used to having her around in the kitchen!

Is you bunny a house rabbit? I'd love a black rabbit - we'll have to see what happens. Your bun has such cute little ears!

Hi sounds like a good sign sometimes the pain meds take a while to wear off, keep going. Dido is my avatar he passed away in dec (he was nearly 7 so did well) but he is like my mascot i suppose. he started life off outside but was happier as a house rabbit so was brought in. I have 3 house rabbits Boo, and Floyd (a pair) and Saffy who has the run of the living room and then i have 10 rabbits for breeding with who live in a shed that is better equiped than the house.I find all my buns like a turn in the house and i let them out in the garden in summer. I have litter trained all 13 though some are cleaner than others. It depends on how you feel but it is so easy to enjoy their company more in the house, and i have heard of people getting greeted by their rabbit sitting at the front door for them getting home. I just like getting to see all their moods and behavior.

Try giving her just enough food to cover the bottom of the bowl so you know how much she has ate, and the veg again def. some cabbage. Your bunny is lovely and i am crossing my fingers for you.
Wow, you have a lot of bunnies! Lucky you!

So sorry to hear about Dido - it's lovely that you have kept her as your avatar.

I gave Bugsy some pellets just now and she ate some so it looks as though we've turned the corner. Thanks so much for your replies - I appreciate all the advice I'm given but you're quite right,there are times when the products suggested just aren't available in this country.

The vet'ssaid they were impressed with how much I knew (one of the nurses isbunny mad) but as a first time rabbit mum I'm very inexperienced.

I would love to keep Bugsy inside but I'm not sure it would work. I wouldn't want her having the run of the house as I don't think it would be safe - our front door is left open all the time because of my children and next doors who are in and out all day on the weekend so she'd get out easily.

Bugsy must go back outside soon though, she'll get far too used to the warm kitchen!
Glad shes eating, maybe we will cross paws on the forum again. my bunnies are all netherland dwarfs though 2 are dwarf lionheads thats why their ears are so small. they are very cheeky independant bunnys. really happy bugsys eating:bunny18

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