bored bunny solutions

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May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Blue Point, New York, USA
My dwarf hotot Bandit has every toy/ entertainment item possible and he still would rather chew on my doors or be lazy and flop under a chair. He has apple wood sticks, pinecones, toilet paper rolls, balls with bells and a wicker ball, a hanging wood chew toy, towels to push around and even a box i filled with newspaper and other cardboard boxes he'll chew on once in a while. He'll show interest in something for a little while and then look at me like "ok mom what else is there?" I have at least 5 toys out on the floor now and yet he's sitting next to the couch grooming himself showing no interest. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what other toys their bunny enjoys playing with? I know most toys sold in the stores rabbits don't respond to so I've tried making my own and he hasn't really loved anything yet..

I just ordered this for my rabbit. She has mastered the first level. I has three levels, beginner, intermediate and expert and you can change them to make them harder once they master all of them. I put her pellets into the little cups and I hear her in the kitchen messing with it getting the pellets out. She seems to like it a lot. I'm about to switch the level to intermediate to see if she can figure it out.

You might be able to find it in a pet store or something, for cheaper than what I ordered it for. For the shipping and stuff, I paid like $17 which is a little expensive for a rabbit toy but because it has the different levels it was worth it.
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Animals of all kinds all have different personalities and different likes and the mother of four children... A couple of them love being outside, love being active...while the other two prefer being inside...reading etc. kind of like the old can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink!!! Bunnies are the same way ...our old bunny Carrot, loved to lounge on the floor (sadly we lost him last fall)...and we got him as an 8 week old and was always that. While my new bunny Reeses, who is 6 months old (who I got at 9 weeks) LOVES to play with anything and everything!!! His favorites being a ring on string, a bell on a string, and cardboard boxes! The string on all his toys is all natural hemp and he likes chewing on that as well! My guess is your bunny is more like our Carrot!
I agree it all depends on the bunny. I have three and they´re all different. A lot of the time, they do just sleep or rest and they do spend an awful lot of time grooming themselves and each other. When they do play, they like to chew the cardboard provided, they have a cardboard box with doors in in and like to sit in there and chew the flaps, they have another basket with shredded paper in and they dig in that. I have some cushions and soft toys on the sofa and they go under them and throw them about and I provide apple twigs for them to chew and spend a bit of time on the floor with them and they love climbing all over me and I sometimes feed them treats.

They do however still have a go on things they´re not supposed to, they´ve chewed some of the mats in their cage, they´ve had a nibble on the furniture and the walls and even nibble me sometimes. I´ve learnt over time how to stop them getting to these things but there´ll always be something. The grass is sometimes always greener on the other side lol.
Can you try rotating the toys ? Only give him a few at a time, and change 1 of them out for another every few days.

My boys get bored with things if they have them too long. For instance they were not playing in their sand dig box so I removed it and replaced it with a paper shopping bag for a while . Then when that got shredded I put the sand box back in and they are happily digging away in it again.

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