Bonding Question

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May 7, 2018
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Hi everyone! I just had a couple of questions about my two bunnies, it's nothing serious or urgent I was just curious since my two buns are the only ones I've ever had and I have no experience with this.

I have a spayed 7 month old girl Wendy, and a 3 month old not fixed boy Pippin. (He has an appointment at the beginning of July to be fixed) Their cages are next to each other so they can sniff each other/touch faces, and they always lay next to each other. I let them take turns to run around the house so they can get their exercise, we haven't started any real bonding with them since Pippin isn't fixed.

Yesterday when I let Pippin have his turn he decided to lay next to Wendy instead of running around;

Is it good that they get along so well already? I know it can't be a bad thing, but since he isn't mature yet will it matter later once he's fixed? From what I read their personalities can change a lot once he hits puberty and bonding a baby bunny to an older one doesn't usually last/is usually broken because of hormones. I was just curious if they would remember how nicely they get along now once that happens?

Also if anyone has any tips about bonding once they actually can meet, that'd be great. I've done a tonne of reading but any experaince is always helpful!
Don't assume that they are "getting along" because they lie near each other through the cage wall. Often that is not what it seems. It can be their way of claiming their territory by lying as close to the border as possible. So rather than, "oh, you're so sweet, let's be near each other," it could actually be, "don't even think that you can encroach on my space!"

That he laid near the other cage while in the supposedly shared space, could be an indication of him claiming that shared space as his as well.

That's one possibility anyway. I wouldn't read too much into their current behavior. Much could happen between now and early July.

As for tips for once it comes time to bond, remember, it would be best to wait about 6 weeks after surgery before starting the bonding process. Don't let a vet tell you otherwise (it isn't uncommon for vets to suggest putting them together right away. This would be a mistake since hormones are still active for awhile. That could completely sabotage the process.) So be patient.

The other tip would be to find some neutral space for the bonding. This cannot be the shared space they've been using. That isn't neutral. Neutral means someplace that neither bunny has been before.
Awww that's disappointing, Pippin was licking Wendy's head a bit today so I thought they were being buddies. That makes sense though, I didn't know they did that.

I will defiantly be waiting, everything that I read about it said to. I don't want to risk them not being friends later. Bonding space will have to be the bathroom haha! It's the only place they won't go. Wendy is scared of the kitchen but Pippin is not.

Thanks for the info!
Yeah, licking is actually a sign of them potentially liking each other. Which can also mean that the laying next to her area is him wanting to be near her and not claiming territory. Looks like a promising future relationship to me.

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