Bonding male and female

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Apr 15, 2014
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Any tips for bonding two bunnies? Haven't done it before so anything would be helpful!
Put the doe into the bucks cage not the other way round, I'm assuming the the buck is neuted?
Don't put anyone into anybody else's cage, that's just asking for trouble. I let my doe into my buck's territory once by accident and bam! Instant war.

Use neutral territory which neither bun has ever been in before.

There are lots of great links on google for people new to bonding, have a look around!
Here are a couple good links on bunny bonding. They represent two different approaches to bonding.

I assume that both bunnies are fixed? That is usually necessary to prevent those hormones from interfering.

Whiskeylollipop is correct, do NOT put one into the cage of the other. Neutral territory is essential.
Just remember that some bondings go quite easily, some can be rather difficult and some are simply impossible. I like the cottontails site for its videos that show examples of bondings in process. While reading over both sites, you'll be looking for hints on what to be watching out for during any bonding session. Body language is key.
Thanks everyone! And yes they are both spayed/neutered I read that's suppose to make it easier to bond. My female rabbit just got spayed two days ago how long should I wait until they meet?
Wait 6-8 weeks to be sure her hormones have fully dissipated. It's a long time, but essential to make sure they start off on the right foot!

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