bonding 2 sisters

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Active Member
Jun 8, 2005
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, , United Kingdom
i have recently taken in a female bun who wasneglected by a neighbour, we have had her 2days now and shes reallysweet. i already have 2 bunnys (both female) and 1 of mine is sister tothe new one, as we bought from the same litter! anyway i was wonderingif its possible to bond them? would they remember each other? they areboth just 8months old. it would be lovely if they got on well.

has anyone had succesful experiences with bonding 2 bunnys? thanks
Of course it is possible :)

I doubt they will remember each other, but as long as they are spayedit is possible.I currentlyhave twobondedpairs, one pair is two males and the other pair is a maleanda female. Am in the process of bonding the pairs together,and it is going quite well :)

Keep the girls housed near each other for awhile, so they can get usedto living with each others' scent. I've actually had luck withswitching each others' cages, daily, so that they get used to livingwith each others' scent.

I've never introduced two bunnies that weren't both altered, but Iunderstand that the probability of a successful bonding is alot higherwhen they are both fixed; Decreasing bad behaviour.

Here's some good info sites for bonding: is one on bonding trios

Who knows, they may click together in an instant, but just havepersistence and patience if there seems to be alot of setbacks andhitches. :)

Good luck, and congrats on the newadditionwonderful that you took the ittle girl in :)

I have 9 rabbits, and have been lucky enough tobond them all. It takes a lot of patience and a lot ofsupervision. It is best to start with really smallinteractions in a neutral space,with you watching them andseparating at the first sign of aggression. Hopefully aftermany sessions you should be able tolengthen the time more andmore until they have been bonded. I have read that some bunscan't be bonded, but I have been extremely lucky enough not to havehadthat experience.

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