Binky went outside today.. Photos

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O...M...G... again!!! Goats on the fire pit and patio furniture! I would LOVE to wake up to find lil' goats on my patio and/or picnic table. How awesome would that be?

Okay, owataqt, I want your life. :biggrin:

owataqt wrote:
Here's the thing though Jenk.. Some days I would love to have the life of no, what's it like to get up and not have to do so much care, it's soooooooo soooooo much work..hehehe
But then again, yes.. I love all my pets.. They are such a blessing, and so spoiled
I'm seriously wanting a chicken, lol.

Um, is that your BACKYARD??? Can I come live with you??? I won't be any trouble... I'll stay outside with the chicken :biggrin2:
plasticbunny wrote:
Can I come live with you??? I won't be any trouble... I'll stay outside with the chicken :biggrin2:
Ditto for me; I don't take up much space. LOL!!!
Yes, those that our curious about my piggy..I got her 2 weeks ago, and yes, inside piggy..she is suppose to be a mini micro pig..she is only 6 weeks old and quite the terror. She is, but iam working with her..stubborn, tuff, biter, we call her cujo... I do beleive she was taken from her mom to young and this is why iam having the issues with her. She really shouldn't have been sent to me till she was 8/9 weeks old, from my research after the fact though..yesterday I took her outside for a few hours..and once she discovered the grass and dirt she was in heaven
Ahhh...y'all are very sweet.. Yep that's my backyard..iam seriously hysterically, I never had any animals except indoors until last year when I realized ... Heck why can't I have a mini farm.. I mean just because I don't live on a farm..why can't I? U only live once.. I live on about 3 1/2 acres in a subdivision with no why not... I am an official backyard urban

I began putting up coops and pens... And within this past year bringing in the new family girlfriends think I lost my mind..when does a metropolitan chick- become a farm girl? I say..when one feels like, I will add a photo in the next reply of inside my chicken coop..and well, that says alot about taking farming to a while nother realm. Lmao.. Shabby chic coop..xoxoxo
If u look through my arbor u see the farm area...

I painted a shed and decorated it all up French country and next post I will show u the inside ...xoxox
Inside the chicken coop..whoot whoot.. I love it..
And u too can do this.. This is why iam sharing all this.. Their is always a way to make your dreams come true..sometimes u just have to do mini versions.. Like my shed revamped over.. For a chicken coop.. Not a barn as one would have on a farm- but a mini version of urban shabby
Okay, Benjamin and I have our bags packed ready to leave, anyone else coming and living in your back yard, we'll just pick up on the way. What an incredible little chunk of heaven. Your bunny looks like she is going to be a big girl. Benjamin is around 15 pounds, she looks like she is going to be a close second if she is flemish giant. Mr piggy will be quite small compared to her. The goats on the patio and fire pit were just too!!!!!!!!!!!! cute. Not showing my sister these photos as she has a yard similiar to yours and is goat crazy. ( her husband would be so upset ). We had a silkie chicken for awhile, named Ida, but she lived in a pen outside, was multicoloured brown, so the thought of dye job never even entered our minds. Thanks for the photos, they are just great.
OMG i love it!!!! the animals (especially the pink chicken) the "coop"....everything!!! AWESOME!!!! :clapping::adorable::blueribbon:
I want to live at your house!!! That is a dream, with all those animals! I LOVE goats, chickens and that micro pig is waaay too cute!!

Oh, and the bunny, she's adorable as well!

gmas rabbit wrote:
Okay, Benjamin and I have our bags packed ready to leave, anyone else coming and living in your back yard, we'll just pick up on the way.
ROAD TRIP!!! :big wink::weee::pinkbouce::yahoo:

I'm in IL, gmas. Hope that's not too far for you to swing by and get me. :biggrin2:

Hi there.. I did get my flemmish from a girl who had a litter from two flemmish giants.. Awhile back, I posted photos of the parents..asking everyone here if they thought the mom and dad were flemmish giants..purebred? As I was looking for purebred flemmish.. Everyone said yes, it sure does look like mom and dad are flemmish , and seeing that the mom were each under a year old and mega huge from the photos they said it looks as if u will have a larger flemmish since the parents weren't even a year old and they are so large already.

I noticed u said, IF ITS A FLEMISH.. Do u think she might not be flemmish? Purebred? Would love to know others opinions too if your reading my words... I too am curious if she is truly purebred flemmish. Really u never know what u have when it's from craigalist with no papers?...
Thanks for your opinions.. Remember in these photos she is around 11 weeks old
She is just the cutest. Isn't she?? But LOL
Iam learning pigs.. Aren't like other animals, they have no interest in pleasing u as many other types of animals are.. I have to work on earning her trust.. And they say when that happens ..that's when the bonding takes place

Now my rabbit.. She will just run right over and nip u for, she demands attention..

Okay I think now iam grateful my piggy doesn't want attention..hehehee

Get piggy everyone..they are different.. But I must say.. I think down the road the patience with my piggy will pay off.. Off to run upstairs and bring binky down to run and play with gabby.
Okay one more of gabby rolling in the dirt she discovered..and binky my flemmish,


Enjoying the great outdoors..and thank u for all the support and kind compliments. Also heck yeah..road trip come on down... I have room for all ....


Now my husband might kill me..but heck..iam sure he has wanted to do that this whole past year watching all the members join our family..hehehehehe
Sorry that was just a fiqure on speech, should have said since she is a flemish giant. English language has so many modifications and meanings. She sure looks like a flemish giant to me, my goodness look at the size of her ears, she is going to be one big girl.
I don't know everyone likes your place so well may have to trade of the sign crane truck for a bus. lol My daughter in Alberta had a flemish giant doe that weighted 22 pounds when full grown. We used to comment that Snuggles was the size of a small ( well not too small ) dog. She was also very demanding about attention. You would be lying on the couch and she would come running and land right on your chest and knock the wind out of you. What a hoot that was. Benjamin used to nip when he wanted attention, went from that to honking around your feet in a love dance that nearly tripped you. And just before he got neutered he would add spraying and nipping to the dance. She will probably outgrow the nipping bit if you are presistent about holding her head down and saying NO! When she doesn't nip but comes for pets, tell her good girl and give her lots of attention - she will soon learn the difference.
Ahhhh..thank u for your response. The nips do scare me, because as she gets bigger..I think does that mean the nips get harder..ayayaya

Bring the bus..load em up.. Come visit va..hehehe


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