'Big Bang Machine' Set to Start Up Wednesday

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Retired Moderator
Aug 19, 2007
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The Bunny Zone, Elkhart , Indiana, USA
I must have had my head in the sand. This is the first I have heard of this project.

A British physicist has claimed he can explain the secrets of the Big Bang Theory, but his controversial experiment has scientists believing he could bring about the end of the world, the U.K.'s Daily Mail reported. Dr. Lyn Evans of Aberdare, England, popularly known as "Evans the Atom," claims to know the answers, and will test his experiment on Wednesday by using a 17-mile-long doughnut-shaped tunnel that will smash sub-atomic particles together at the speed of light, the Mail reported.

Evans' ambitions, however, have brought widespread concern among scientists who say the experiment could create a shower of unstable black holes inside the Earth, and subsequently bring destruction to the planet.

Here are some thoughts I have on this project.If you believe God created the universe, there is no big bang theory, other then God spoke and bang it happened. I personally believe that God created the universe and all living life.If there is intelligent life in outer space (I am have my doubts about any on this planet) it would also be created by God.According to the big bang theory there was a "primordial chaotic cosmic soup" that spontaneously exploded and created all living life. How does ordercome from chaos?

They did say when the first atom bomb was detonated there was a possibility it could ignite the atmosphere, obviously nothing happened. So who knows? This is where belief in God and science collide (no pun intended). When this thing is fired up, there will be two results, either new scientific discoveries or we will be asking God "What happened?"

Here is the link to the FoxNews story: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,418582,00.html
Just my .02...

I am studying the sciences myself, but I am also a believer in the Christian faith.
My best guess is that there IS a GOD, and yes, He built the world, universe, and all points further out and in between.
I think science is the result of us "figuring out his mysteries" (being gradually given enlightened knowledge when He figures that we're competent not to completely blow ourselves up).
I would compare this statement of mine two the changing attitude of God towards the Earth's people in the old vs. New testament. In the old, he lays down the law, and zaps idiots. In the new, he makes a few basic premises (like love your neighbour) and expects us to behave decently (and will zap us in the afterlife :biggrin2:)

What appears to be chaos of our "Big Bang Theory to us would look perfectly logical to God: we just have no understanding of the mechanisms He used.
I'm taking Chemistry and Plant based microbiology right now. I tell you, the cell is too efficient, perfect and complex to have completely spun out of nothing. The atom is a wonder!

BTW, If they fire this sucker up, hopefully the big bang we hear won't be our planet imploding...

Wow! :shock:

I'm open to pretty much everything out there - I have my beliefs, but loves this kind of stuff!

I just don't think there's enough evidencefrom any source for me topersonallygo "Ah, that's it!" I love hearing about different theories both on a scientific and a religious level about "how this all started". I can't really categorize my beliefs into anything other than I'm open minded to all ideas.

No matter what the outcome - I think it's best if there's a chance of doing major damage, to leave it to the imagination, what really does it matter? We're here now, and as long as we don't continue to really mess things up, we'll be fine either way.
I forgot that this was going to happen in September.:shock: I hope the world doesn't end because of this guy. I really am scared that it might end.......:bawl:
Well.... if it does, we probably won't realize it ;). Heck, a meteor could hit the earth and wipe us all out - no use living life in fear of what could happen.. as long as it's not happening now and we do our best to prevent it - nothing much we can do!

It says in the article..


CERN dismisses the risk of micro black holes, subatomic versions of collapsed stars whose gravity is so strong they can suck in planets and other stars."

Will be interesting to see what they find.. could solve a lot of mysteries. Still think there's better use of money, but hey.. why not!
OMG I'm scared someone stop him :shock2:


I wanna live my whole life, have a husband, kids, job, pets - I don't want to die!

I wouldn't worry about it, if it does blow up the entire earth you won't realise it anyway, and if it doesn't... well then your safe!

Personally I don't believe in God. I believe Jesus existed and was a clever man who made up many stories to explain to the 'simpler' people of the time some of the things about the world. I don't think people in that time could comprehend science. I believe Jesus was a very clever man and brought hope to many people but I don't believe he was the son of God.

Then again I do still ponder over the theory of the watch. The theory is that if you were stranded on a desert island, you searched for many days and found absolutley no evidence of life there at all. There were no huts, buildings, evidence of fires, nada. One day you were walking along the beach and you found a watch. The watch is s mechanism that works so well, with all the cogs and mechanics used in it. There and then you would assume that someone must have made it, because there is no chance that these components of metal and glass could just 'become'. It would be one in a million trillion billion that these parts had just formed together into this working watch...

So apply that to human life and the earth... some say that there must be a God, how can there be such an amazing routine and order to life? Nature working in harmony etc... without someonet to create it? There must be a God who masterminded everything? Well thats where I'm torn. I'm open to the fact its implausible, but not impossible, that life sprang out of such chaos, just like the watch could have just came to be...

Wow that was long.

Seriously don't worry about it all. You wouldn't know if anything happened anyway.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Though wouldn't you know about it if u were dying?
Well it depends how quickly you die.. in this case probably a split second. I don't think you'd really realise much!

Wow this is morbid.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I asked Art about this on the way to work this morning since he's into science and physics and astronomy and visits websites daily to keep up on things. He pondered for a minute what I was saying and then he said, "Oh...you mean that 17 mile thing over in France..." (or whereever he said it was)...and sort of laughed.

I said, "Yeah...aren't you worried about black holes and all that?"

My husband is not a genius nor is he known in the scientific community. Its just something he enjoys reading about....I want to make sure y'all understand that.

Anyway - he laughed some more and said, 'Yeah...I imagine it will start some black holes. But they'll not have the mass they need and close up again right away" (or something like that) and was not at all worried.

When I went to the article on foxnews - there was a link to this article too:


From that article...here is what I think Art was referring to...

The safety of the collider, which will generate energies seven times higher than its most powerful rival, at Fermilab near Chicago, has been debated for years. The physicist Martin Rees has estimated the chance of an accelerator producing a global catastrophe at one in 50 million — long odds, to be sure, but about the same as winning some lotteries.

I'm really not worried about it....then again, I'm a person of faith and believe that there are certain events which are still going to take place before the earth is destroyed eventually...so I don't worry about much.

Thanks for sharing the link to the article Wabbitdad....I had noticed it on Foxnews but hadn't taken the time to read it. I think Art was thrilled that I was reading about such things....that we'd have something in common....which is really unusual for us!
I wish I wasn't ill today becuase then I wouldn't of seen this thread and I wouldn't be worrying about it.
BabyBunnies wrote:
I'm still scared :(

Dont worry! Read this (from the first news page):

Such is the angst that the American Nobel prize winning physicist Frank Wilczek of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has even had death threats, said Prof Brian Cox of Manchester University, adding: "Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a t--t."

The head of public relations, James Gillies, says he gets tearful phone calls, pleading for the £4.5 billion machine to stop.

"They phone me and say: "I am seriously worried. Please tell me that my children are safe," said Gillies.

Emails also arrive every day that beg for reassurance that the world will not end, he explained.

Others are more aggressive. "There are a number who say: "You are evil and dangerous and you are going to destroy the world."

"I find myself getting slightly angry, not because people are getting in touch but the fact they have been driven to do that by what is nonsense. What we are doing is enriching humanity, not putting it at risk." He continued.

Lets face it, if it was going to end the world, they would be behind bars ;) I wouldn't worry. :)
Ooo - it'll be like a real life apocalypse!:biggrin2::laughsmiley:

Honestly guys, I wouldn't worry. Do you really think this guy would be allowed to through with this experiment if there was any chance it could go wrong?:)

True and also my friend told me that its like 1 in 50 billion chance it could happen - I just hope he's right!
To be honest I think this experiment willbe a very good thing. I don't know the ins and outs of it but I've heard that this experiment could unlock the key to many scientific breakthroughs such as finding a cure for cancer. If it can do that I am fully for it going through.:)
pinksalamander wrote:
I wouldn't worry about it, if it does blow up the entire earth you won't realise it anyway, and if it doesn't... well then your safe!

Personally I don't believe in God. I believe Jesus existed and was a clever man who made up many stories to explain to the 'simpler' people of the time some of the things about the world. I don't think people in that time could comprehend science. I believe Jesus was a very clever man and brought hope to many people but I don't believe he was the son of God.
This is exactly what I think also :).

Also, our lives are always precious, should always be lived to the full. You should feel that your life isn't something to be taken for granted - ever - that's what I think. At any single moment, mothernature, a bus, a speeding car, a plane you're on falling from the sky, could take your life. Don't leave it until you hear some scientist could end the world, you gotta live life to the max, always, because quite frankly, you don't ever know how long you have left.

I would no more worry on this machine than I would worry that I'm going to suddenly have a stroke or a car is going to hit me when I cross the road.
I heard about this some time ago, and my sister did as well. She's discussed it at length with several people who have degrees in science (actually my sis has a degree as well in the field) and all are saying the same thing: this test will have no adverse affects, it is under very controlled conditions and the size of it is such that it would be impossible for it to cause any sort of threat. (I'm paraphrasing since I don't recall our exact conversation.) Apparently a lot of 'scaremongering' has been going on over the Internet in the past few months, saying it wil be the end of the world, or the end of life as we know it, etc.

No worries...:)

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