Beau goes to Madison dentists tomorrow

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Thanks everyone ..the syringes I have are bigones.. I think for infants..what I have started to do is just make abowl of "slop and take it on my finger and push it in on side of hismouth..that works but is messy. The pumpkin is easy. He just ate somecarrot tops on his own so I am really feeling better about it. He alsois drinking water on his own. It could be that he is less pain now thanbefore the surgery. way or the other I am getting a littlesomething in him every few hours.
Hi angieluv! I am so glad to hear Beau is doing ok. The poor little thing, he is so lucky to have a bunny mom like you.

I am so glad that they found what was really wrong with him. And thatis quite an expensive vet bill, like others have said, I think it's sowonderful that you put your animal's care first, no matter what theprice. I think of you so highly for everything you do for your furrbabies. :hug2:
Oh wow! I'm so glad he'sokay! And I can't believe the other vets didn't notice molarsthat bad. I know it can be hard to see the back ones, butthat's just silly!

BTW if you want to chat with someone who's dealing with a similarproblem, pm RexRabbit (Jane). She has an older rescue bunnamed Major Tom that has similar problems. She might be ableto give you some tips on care and such as she's excellant at nursingher bunnies.

Maybe he'd like veggies that are cut really thin and small?Not blended, just finely shredded. Any chance he'd eatsoftened pellets out of a bowl?

Good luck, dear! It sounds like he's doing great! Iwouldn't be surprised if he actually feels better now than he didbefore the surgery.