Baby Cottontail what to do with it?

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New Member
Mar 15, 2021
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Phoenix, AZ
My cat brought in a baby cottontail a few nights ago, my wife heard a squeak, the cot dropped her/him and ran off. It was 3 or 4 AM so we put her in a cage we had from pet rats and released her near a pile of firewood and stick that we have. Seems the most likely spot for a nest and during the summer we noticed an adult rabbit was visiting our stick pile nightly when we were in the pool.

The following night our cat brought her back in and now we are not sure what to do (she is unhurt thankfully). I don't want to put her back out side and have the cat kill her. In Phoenix the yards have 6 ft block fences, but the cat could easily have plucked her from another yard. She is about 3.5oz fully furred and gets around pretty well for a little squirt. We would keep her for a pet, but have read that is not a good idea so does anyone have advise on releasing her in a way that gives her the best possible chance at survival?

Thanks for the help.
You can release her anywhere that is far enough that you think your cat won't find her. Perhaps a neighborhood park or neighborhood golf course would be an option. The grass would ensure she has plenty to eat. She's old enough to be on her own. Just put her near a bush so she isn't out in the open.

You are correct that it isn't a good idea to keep her as a pet. They have an incredibly high mortality rate in captivity. Plus it is illegal.
One more question. We are going to release her on a golf course this evening once the golfers are done. Would it be better to run out and get some bells for my cats collar and put the bunny back in the wood pile where her nest most likely is? Somewhere familiar and safe (if she hears the cat coming with bells on) seems a better option than putting her in some bushes in an unknown place.

Thank you for your advise!
She doesn't need to be near any nest. She'll be fine in a new place. Though this comment may be too late anyway since it is already the next day. ;) Did you put her out last night?
She doesn't need to be near any nest. She'll be fine in a new place. Though this comment may be too late anyway since it is already the next day. ;) Did you put her out last night?
Nope, in plenty of time. We are going to release her around dusk when the golfers are sure to be gone, so your timing is good. Thanks again!

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