Are Dippy and Fluffball mating??

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BabyBunnies wrote:
Dippys a boy we checked i checked mum checked dippys a boy
i dont want to seem rude, but your viewpoint on baby rabbits are so biased.

you have that 'neuter your rabbits' sign on your name,
but you dont neuter your rabbits yourself!!??

surely if your viewpoints were strong you would have checked for yourself earlier?

now youve got a possibility of what you dont want, and thats babies!!

im sorry if ive offended, but its frustrating

BabyBunnies wrote:
Okay dippys a boy and fluffball is definetly a girl

I know this doesnt neccicerlily mean baby bunnies so i can't get too excitred - but i hope she does have babies woiop woop
my point exacly!!!
Well actually how was i supposed to know that the breeder was wrong?
They are only just old enough for me to be able to tell and yes you have offended.
so you can't blame me
but you are still contradicting yourself by saying you want them to have babies, but then have that sign telling people to neuter and spay for them to stop having babies?!
What's done is done. Hopefully this will be something to learn from for BabyBunnies and people to read this thread. For now, lets just concentrate on finding the best option in this situation.

Our energy is more productive in situations such as these to focus on the problem, and to find the best possible solution :).

Group Hug! :groupparty:

I understand, of all people a breeder should be able to tell between genders. But this is a good lesson, that you should always double check!

I once had a woman dump her 6 year old male rabbit. We took her word on male... I mean, 6 years! And when the male was neutered, I went to the check the area.. and there was a nice spay scar.

I know you may seem excited about baby bunnies, but for Fluffball's sake.. I really hope she isn't due to her age.

If you really would like to experience the joys of pregnancy and babies, why not become a foster mom for your local shelter? You can take in pregnant does, or just foster baby bunnies? I think it's a pretty good alternative :)
To Everyone
I understand what you hgave all been saying but I cannot get Fluffball spayed now becuase we don't have enough money.

I do not get why people keep moaning at me - how was i supposed to know that Dippy was a buck? I beleived the breeder, but at least I decided to check and see if he was a buck instead of just ignoring the humping thing becuase sometimes they do that to show dominance.

Fluffball might not even be pregnant and if she is I have Tracy (Flashy) and a vet on emergency dial.

Also I am not biast, I beleive strongly in my avatar and want to make a difference to overflowing shelters.

If Fluffball is pregnant and the kits and her are ok I have prepared some questions for the people who want them to answer:
1. Have you had a rabbit(s) before?
2. What sort of housing will you keep them in?
3. Do you have enough time to be able to: cuddle, stroke, feed water the rabbits and clean the cages often?

I really don't know what else I can do I have tried my best but remember most of the people on here are 10,20,30 years older than me (I'm only 12) and you have had a lot of experience this is why people come on RO for help, so please help me :)

P.S I do NOT want her to have babies becuase it is such a big risk as she is only 4 months old.
BabyBunnies wrote:
P.S I do NOT want her to have babies becuase it is such a big risk as she is only 4 months old.
im happy for you.

but listen to peoples advice, and keep them apart

and if you truly believe what your sign says, get one of them neuterd or spayed at least when you can afford it :)

good luck

Thank you :biggrin2: xx
They are and have been apart since when I first saw them mating but their cages are close together and there is a separater down the run so they can stull touch noses and play so hopefully once they have been spayed and neutered i wion't have to rebond them!!
:clover: thanks for the luck I think i'm going to need it :biggrin:
im sure you wont need it!
i bet it will all go smoothly.
and you may need to rebond them afterwards, becuase their tempraments change (this is from experience) but, then again, it may go fine.

just remember, after a buck is neuterd, he can still get a doe pregnant for up to 6 weeks after. :shock:
Okay thanks , what would I do without everyone on here.......

Gosh I cannot even imagine it...


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