Anyone else's rabbit not drink much water?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I've noticed this with Harper for quite a while, at least within the last 6-8 months. He's not sick, it's just how he is...

He and Haley both each have a 16 ounce water bottle in their cages. Haley goes through the 16 ounce bottle every 2 days. Harper takes a week!

Anyone else have a bunny that isn't a big drinker? Is it pretty common/normal?

well, maomaochiu has been very random in his water intake! sometimes he drinks a lot like a 20oz bottle in 2 days ,and then other days, he will barely touch the water for a whole day. he has vegetables everyday for almost the same amount, so i really don't know what's the reason
thanks for the link!guess i need to keep a closer look at maomaochiu now. he appears to be very healthy and active and energetic though
Thanks for the link Bunman. I'll watch Harper closely as well. He does get veggies, which he rarely eats. He loves his carrot tops and dandelion greens the most.

He eats good, and poops massive amounts of big, round poopies. He also pee's fine too, so all is good in that area.

Well, when Pebbles was a baby, she could go through an 8oz bottle in a day in a half, but as she gets older and with veggies added, it can take her up to 3days to d r ink the 8oz. If there's a good amount of pee and poop, I wouldn't be too worried. There is a LOT of water in veggies, so sounds good with his fluids!
I have kinda the opposite. I have a very big drinker! Flower drinks about 20oz a day! I have to refill her water bottle every day and a half, and it's 32oz, so I think I got the math right on that one. Lol...

Maisie drinks 32oz about every 2.5 days, which I think is about average.

At first, I thought that Flower's large drinking amount was due to her not having any for so long when I rescued her, but now I think it's due to her size (which is about 7lbs!, and still growing).

I have no idea what an 'oz' is, but my adult girl Dodge drinks about a cup of water a day. My baby bunnies drink around a cup and half between them, and my 8 week old inside drinks a cupfull every few days. Dodge is the one that gets the most excercise, she is free range in the yard during the day.
Minilops, an "oz" is an ounce. In the U. S. customary system there are 16 fluid ounces in a pint. In the British Imperial system there are 20 fluid ounces in an imperial pint.

Hope that clears it up! :)
MBH: I know you were going to start decreasing Harpers pellet amount..if you did that, have you increased the veggie amount?

I know my guys have been getting more greens and less pellets, and they're not drinking as much water as they used to.

I can honestly say that in the 3 and a half years I have had Pernod and Perry, I have seen Perry drink maybe 10 times and Pernod maybe 6 times. They have both a bottle and a bowl, neither of which water levels seem to change. At first, it was worrying, but they are both healthy and poop and pee fine. They do get veggies, fruit and access to grass outside, so I guess their fluid intake comes through that :?

Our bunns don't usually drink water. Our 2 girls seem to drinka few times a day. But Babum and Dandi don't use their water bottles at all. We still change and refill them just in case...but the water level never drops. We do free feed veggies though, so they get their water from there!:)
Devon and Amber get most of their water from fresh veggies, so they don't drink alot. Although Amber does drink a little more than Devon.
Pebbles doesn't drink much either. The only time I see her drink is after she has some pellets at night. She does have lots of vegs. though. And she does pee alot.

Rainbows! :toastingbuns
Ruby and Millie didn't used to drink much when they had a bottle but now I give them water in a bowl they drink loads,they each drink about half a bowl a day. It might be worth giving him a bowl to see if he drinks more, I'd use a heavy crock type one though that can't easily be tipped over.:)

A lot of rabbits drink more from bowls because it's more enjoyable. It's even suggested in Rabbit Health in the 21st Century to give ill rabbits water bowls to encourage them to drink more on their own. With all four of the rabbits that I've had/taken care of that actually knew how to drink out of bottles (Mocha never figured it out, and I'm adding Tank in) they drank much more from a bowl when it was offered. And if they were given both they'd drink almost exclusively from the bowl.

Since he doesn't actually eat many veggies, it would probably be a good idea to try giving him a bowl. My rabbits eat a lot of veggies and they still drink some water with that. Not often, but when they do they suck it up like a shop vac whereas a rabbit with a bottle usually only licks a few times, gets a tiny bit of water, and then hops away.
All of my buns have bottles. And they all are different at different times.
Chippy grabs the tube with her teeth and shakes the bottle to get the water out...certainly the noisiest of the bunch.
I think Brindle has figured out how to hold her upper lip against the font and then the water flows freely for her to lap up.
Most of the others just lick at the font and you get the typical"tickatickatickaticka" sound for minutes on end.

Never tried bowls, but the part about giving an ill bunnie a bowl is a great tip I'll have to remember.

The day MrsD brought Tootsie home, I put a bottle up for her and she drank about 8 ounces without stopping. I was starting to think that maybe there was something wrong with her like diabetes or something. And then MrsD told me that there wasn't any water in her cage when she picked her up. Geez, I wonder how long she had gone without water!
Wildfire's got a pretty good water bottle technique. She pushes her front teeth against the ball, and just lets the water run into her mouth.

Not the best picture, but gives you an idea of what she does.

aurora369 wrote:
Wildfire's got a pretty good water bottle technique. She pushes her front teeth against the ball, and just lets the water run into her mouth.


Maybe THAT'S what my Brindle does.

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