Angry bun.

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Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
Palmyra, Virginia, USA
I don't know what it is I'm doing wrong. Considering the fact that I was told to get something easier to handle than a Netherland Dwarf rabbit, I know that they are supposedly one of the hardest breeds to take care of, but I feel I'm doing a decent job. I looked up everything, got information on the breed, and everything before committing, so I'm positive it ISN'T the lack of care I give to her.

For some reason, she just seems so angry all the time. She hates when anyone is near her, and unfortunately when she runs around, she has to be confined into my room, which...Is a pretty big open space, we even have the bathroom open for her, so she has even more room...But. If anyone gets up, to lets say...Feed our fish, on the other side of the room, she'll run under something, as if scared we'll attack her, and thump her feet like crazy.

Another thing that's bugging me, is that when it's time to put her back into her cage, Which mind you is on the ground, we rarely try to pick her up, she goes nutso, hides, thumps, and nips.

The strangest part yet, is that when she's IN her cage, she's very friendly, happy, and lets us touch her, but it's only when she's outside, that she starts acting so spazzy. I just don't know what to do. I understand that I've only had her for a month, but it still is discerning that she doesn't seem to like us even the slightest bit.

It's almost as if she's 'tolerating' us, because we clean her cage. Haha.

Is there any way to get her used to us, when she's not in her cage too? She NEVER thumps in there, unless we have to move her cage into the bathroom, because she's making so much noise, and we don't want to constantly be telling her to stop what she's doing. But this doesn't happen to often.

I know it's too early to despair, but I suppose I was just looking forward to being motherly, and make her grow to trust me, but it honestly doesn't seem we're getting anywhere.

With the way she acts, it's almost as if we abuse her-- Which we don't. Never ever would even THINK to do so.

Any help is appreciated.
I'm a very new bun momma myself... But it sounds to me like she is more scared thn angry... When we first brought cokie home we would just sit on the floor and read out loud or eat dinner, pay bills surf the web etc... All of the floor and he would come up very cautiously and we would not acknowledge him and just let him explore us... We were also very careful to keep things quiet... (the tv, our voices, the radio...etc) until he was comfortable... He is completely adjusted now, but if I yell at our dogs or if someone on tv starts yelling he gets very upset and starts thumping under the sofa... Overall we try to be very "zen" around here so as not to scare him...

I know some of the more experienced bun owners will have some better advice for you...

Good luck!
To be completely honest, BunMommaD, I think you're onto something there. There's always something going on, and our Maltese is constantly barking at cars that go by the window, so perhaps when we're yelling at her, Meru is getting scared in the long run. Plus, we rarely spend time on the floor, and when we do get up, it's to put her away, so perhaps she's scared that, that's all we're going to do. Thank you so much!

I think I'll definitely start sitting on the ground, and being quiet for her more often. It's unfortunate that I can't really control the dog's barking, but perhaps we can try to bond with her, when the dog is sleeping. Thanks again! Experienced or not, that was great help!
Your welcome! Does she by any chance ever go back into her cage of her own will during playtime? Our cookie comes nd goes from his pen to use the potty, drink, eat, rest etc while he is out... And after we realized he didn't really like being picked up or "herded" back to his house... Now, when it's abt time for him to go back in his house, we just wait for him to go back in and then go and close the door... And then he always gets something super yummy when we close him in again... Some carrot or new greens... Etc... He is def the type of bun that doesn't like being picked up at all... But since we stopped picking him up at all, he will now hop in our laps for cuddles :) the goal of bonding is for your hands to be very good things for your buns :)
I know with Harvey, food got me a long way haha. But I also had an easy bunny. He was out going and friendly right when I got him. So I don't think I'll be much help.
I have nothing to suggest. You both seem to have really good ideas to bond with your bunnies.

All I can say is time and patience. It's very heartbreaking thinking after a month there is not that connection. Bunnies take time. It's on their terms.

I think spending more time on the floor with him, just being there will help.

Sounds to me not an angry bunny because he would be the same inside his crate. Just a bigger world for him and it's a bit scary.

Keep the faith. Keep doing what you are doing. It will happen and you will laugh that you were ever worried that it wouldn't.

K :)
BunMommaD We leave her cage on the ground so she will. At random times, during, she'll go in to get something to drink or potty, and then will run back out to do binkys, and such. Unfortunately I don't think Meru is ready for treats yet, at least that's what I was told by the breeder. I think she said I can introduce her to new stuff, at about 6 months, but again. I find myself thanking you, BunMommaD. I suppose I just despair very easily.

MagPie - You're the ones I envy the most. Haha. The ones with the buns who have an automatic like to. Thank you for posting anyways!

ZRabbits - Well I'm glad, coming from you that means a lot! Honest. Haha. I suppose I should just show a bit more patience. Thank you so much! I will definitely start doing my normal activities on the ground, when she's around. ~
Hahaha I'm sorry. I do feel bad about it when I read about new bunny owners (like myself) who have an angry/scared bunny (unlike myself). I really did luck out. He was also an adult when I got him. His outgoing/adaptable personality did cause a few problems when I first got him. He was chasing my fat cat the first week I had him, trying to play with the kitty. Well, this kitty gets a little freaked out when things change (the rabbit didn't) and got scared that he was being chased. Before I could stop it he bit my rabbit in the ear and well that wasn't fun. Between a bad vet and an infection, then finding a new vet and not knowing if he'd keep the ear it took a month to fix his ear.

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