An update on Shelby and the torn off toenail Saga

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Sep 4, 2012
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Staten Island, , USA
Hey everyone,

I come back to update everyone of Shelby and her feet. Two toes ended up getting really bad and seeped a lot of blood and got infected. Today we get back from the vet with a new 20-day dose of Baytril and some topical stuff. We also did a full blood test to see what's going on on the inside, because he is also just as stumped as to what the cause might be. He did a UV light test for Ringworm and that was negative, says it's not the Syphilis coming back, not that I thought it was, and also rules out allergies because she doesn't obsessively chew her feet. He will do some exploring internally to see if there is anything there, some sort of mystery infection, or fungus, or some organ-to-skin that was another $400 bill to add to the expenses I have had with her (about $1100 total in the past 4 months)...

I am getting scared that her immune system is just too weak from something. Very worried, hope this will end. Even he is confused about how many problems little Shelby keeps having.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us that it is nothing serious.

Hey! Thanks for mentioning the Bene-bac. I actually did purchase it and forgot to ask about it, I am confused about its administration. 1 Gram is one tab on the Syringe (I have the 15 gm Syringe, but I am a little cautious, it seems so unreliable as a measurement. Today I just gave her two drops of it (is it supposed to be so liquid? I keep it at room temperature as it is indicated, but the gel is not very gel-like).

Should be giving her more?
Oh and I also ordered her the Booster supplement from Harrison's. I hear great things in about it, in that it strengthens animals' immune systems and in general makes them healthier. Hope she is 100% soon...

Actually I use a probiotic [from vitacost,com] meant for humans rather than benebac, so don't know. But you can't give too much. That is it doesn't hurt them.

Thank you for your prayers and kind wishes. Unfortunately after all that we have NO answers at all. The bloods came back 100% normal and the vet is completely stumped. He contacted an exotic animal expert that I believe mentored him, and he has no clue as well. The only thing he came up with is something unlikely, Ergot poisoning, which he says he has never seen in rabbits. Right now, he is hoping the topical stuff and the antibiotics will help and that can be the end?

I am very, very frustrated...I really just want her to stop being in pain.

But I think the toes are getting slightly less swollen, and the two with the open infected wounds seem to be drying u a bit and looking less seepy, and there is also no fresh blood on her cage floor.
Because everyone appears to be clueless, I decided to take things into my own hands. I did some research that indicates it is possible she is suffering from Onychomycosis, i.e. nail fungal infection. This makes sense because her nails look like they have a fungus, not just a problem being torn off. The same way a person has that fungus look to a nail, when it is thick and crusty, her nail bed also looks crusty, and just OFF.

I ordered some grapefruit seed extract, which I read on homesteading today is okay to give at a dilution of 10 drops/gallon of water. I will also apply it topically. We will see if it does anything. Tomorrow I will call him up and talk to him about it. There appears to be a drug for systemic fungal infections but it is usually for yeast...I will see what he says. This guy is one of the best exotic guys in my area so I trust him I just know he is stumped. I need to help my little girl.
Hello all, and thanks!

I corresponded to some rebbit people online and everyone thinks fungus. I am getting angry at my vet, for as good as he is with birds, he seems clueless about rabbits.

To start, one of my new expert people who works for one of the rabbit societies as a vet, says that in rabbits, Ringworm usually does not flouresce at all. And he did not do a swab and culture, which he should have, but instead gave expensive bloodwork and creams that don't work! Humph!

I was suggested to use Providone Iodine and apply it to the nail/wound. I have been doing that and the grapefruit seed extract three times daily. there is slight improvement in teh wounds but not much. Stopped using the cream prescribed but still on the antibiotics.

Saturday is the appt. with the new vet and I am excited to get some answers!
Aww what an ordeal and I'm sorry your vet doesn't seem to be of much help. Way to take things into your own hands. Sounds like you on the right tract. Best to little Shelby for a fast recovery.
Ok guys! So I am back from the vet today with news, kind of. The vet that I saw is definitely a rabbit expert, Dr. Saver. She was recommended on this forum. The hospital is just for bunnies and kitties, and there were so many bun buns!

Anyway, she said normally they would do a "toothbrush culture" but because of the placing, it would be impossible because of all the dense fur on the feet. She did not want to disturb the area by shaving, so we got an antofungal oral med that she says won't hurt, and we'll see how we will do then. She said no more Baytril, no more Iodine, and to use HealX from Harrison's topically, instead, which I already had, so I already started. I also went shopping and got super cushy towels for all the surfaces in her cage as instructed by her, in order to minimize chafing and whatnot. She Looooves those soft towels, I tell ya. And she also gave me immune boosting stuff for her.

She seems to be more in favor of natural stuff, which i love. So all in all, pretty pleased. It was a long 6 hour trip but was worth it.

Hopefully it will end here.

Thanks for all your support!

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