Alternative to hay?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
, New York, USA
For someone that is allergic to regular timothy hay, is there any other alternative to feed? I read in the Food Q&A that hay cubes aren't a great alternative due to having sweeteners in them.

However, I discovered Oxbow Hay Cakes ( and it seems that they don't have any preservatives or sweeteners in them. So is it possible to feed my rabbits these hay cakes instead of regular timothy hay? Are the health benefits just as good?
Yes, you can feed those, and any others without preservatives / sweeteners.
Are you only allergic to Timothy hay? You could try other hays instead: orchard, bluegrass, brome, oat, meadow grass are all good. It doesn't have to be Timothy, any grass hay will do.
For some reason I thought I read somewhere the cubes are not as good as bale hay. *scratches head* I know it is better than nothing but isn't long hay better for some reason?
I think it's because regular hay is long strand and helps wear down the rabbit's molars and keep them in check, along with being better for their digestive system.