Aero's Woes And Thumper's Bumps

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AeroGoes Thump

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I've been wanting to start a blog on here for a bit (two days) so here it is!

I'm Jj and my two bunnykins are Aero



He's A Mini Rex of 5 months old

And here's his unbonded partner sort-of

Thumper Dwarf Hotot with only one black eye!



See his eye difference? He's only 3 months old......

Such silly buns with such a silly owner!

Off begins my first blog with a stumble and a trip with a fall.
I alwalys worry every night that when I go out in the morning my bunnies won't be there.
But they're there. Off begins and off ends..
Maybe more people will read instead of just me...

It is funny isn't it?

After a wonderful run around mainly with me trying to catch them, the little rascals managed to pose for some pictures


Peek-A-Boo! Can you spot the bunny?


Quick run away!

Some of you(one of you) may be wondering more about me and my life?

My life consists of a home two dogs and two bunnies, my doggies are wonderfully Porthos and slightly chubby Burley. The dogs have bonded with the bunnies amazingly well so much so that they can stand on each other's backs and be totally unphased.

How I fell ever so gracefully into the world of bunnies was through my friend,she has a wonderful nethie but adopted it without knowing how to take care of it, it aggravated me so to watch her play with this poor bunny who was clearly to old to be THROWN IN THE AIR or chased after. I fell in love and then began my bunny hunt.

Aero was found through UsedVictoria a saint of a computer website, after long and grueling tasks we managed to find where the owner lived and when we ggot there I felt like I was saving the poor animal.His cage was with 4 other bunnies, metal flooring, a wheelbarrow containg the pee and poo, a moldy water bottle(thankfully not from his cage) and worst of all she told me one handful of hay for A WEEK and for one week no food per month for the bunny. I kindly disobeyed those rules. Aero was found and brought home.

One month later Thumper arrived, I found him from facebook and email. His condition was much improved and I had the choice between two boys, Thumper the oddball and crick in neck. The bunny with the crick in the neck's head had been stepped on by the mum. Such a sweet looking bunny but Thumper jumped into my arms literally. How could I say no?

He was brought home and they began to get along,in a month hopefully they're neutering will take place.

So I leave you on that happy note:p:big wink:

It's simply lol when you set up a boundary for the bunny not to go in, then they want in, you put them in and then they want out!:p

Quite the contrary to that I was at home making "banana ice cream" and giving them to my boys. Thumper liked it but Aero loved it... Gues I better keep that in mind for Christmas time:big wink:

As hard as it is to imagine my two little angels ever being bad:innocentthey sometimes are quite the devils...:devilIf you're wondering how it's just that as soon as your back is turned they begin plotting out their plan. Today it was "Lets look cute and get extra food!" Thumper ruined that by biting my finger so hard it drew blood for two hours. Maybe he should of been Dracula:biggrin:

Aero was so disappointed he ran around his cage and when I stuck my hand in to pet him he ran towards his food bowl and tipped it over.. klutz

Sometimes you just wish you had a camera when you're outside. The beautiful scenery is so gorgeous until the evil smell of bunny poop floats in and snaps you back to reality. I can't help wanting more and more bunnies but 2 is the limit:(sadly.

I thought it was hich time to show you guys a pic of my other furry babies

Porthos the Great Pyrenees and Burley The golden Retriever

Aw! Surely yours Jj

hi Jj, it's so nice that you started a blog for your bunny family (and dogs too)! :)
Your owners are really cute (lol I always think that they actually own us, don't they?) It's funny that your bunny is called Aero - my last bunny was nick-named "the flying bunny".. hehe I guess some bunnies can fly, right?
I'll take Porthos, thank you! I love the picture of Aero hiding behind the rock!

Thanks! And Lol!

As to hotmaildeal

Thank you so much, it took me awhile to figure out what you meant...:p

Another entry for another day,Today's theme seems to be back stories. I'll start with Porthos, how could something that big be something so small as a puppy.I remember the days when he could fit underneath a chair.(a chair could fit underneath him) My 6 foot cousin Matthew walked into the room and there was Porthos cowering underneath his faithful chair.Today he rolls around in Matthew's armpit..:lookaroundHe was such a sweetie puppy always playing with poor old Burley. His favourite game was when Burley picked up a bone and ran around and Porthos decided he wanted the bone, he would chase Burley's tail and yank it so hard. You could see poor Burley's mind ticking "Do I drop the bone and bite him? Or deal with the pain" He dealt with the pain. From back then burley's tail would sag on the floor but today it's sky high.

Poor Aero and Thumper want a say in this matter. I can hear their telepatic thoughts floating into my brain.. "More food,cuddles and free time" They'll just have to wait. As I explained in my first post how I got onto bunnies was through my friend with her bunny. Although it's not my backstory I'll give your that little bunnies bcakstory.

[align=center]"P"The Bunny[/align]
[align=left]P was found online at, his ad was saying thathe had had all of his shots,was neutered, was 2 years old, came with cage and food for a year,treats,harness,bedding,water bottle... basically everything that bunny needed. He was being sold for free because his owners could no longer take care of him. This is the most distressing part his new owner "H" adopted him with NO idea how to take care of a bunny, no research or anything. It was just a split decision. P is a netherland dwarf and a sweetheart. But his care is simply unacceptable. When she goes off to school, her dad will feed puck and clean his litterbox. And when "H" does not feel like cleaning his cage , she'll throw some hay ontop of it and say there! Clean![/align]
[align=left]I'm glad Aero and Thumper are not treated like that! And they have a cage they can move around in.[/align]
[align=left]Here is a pic before I leave you

That's there cage. It's a bit nicer now....[/align]
[align=left]sincerely Jj[/align]
Size hunh! Amy was twelve pounds at twelve weeks. At six months she weighed 143 pounds. When anyone asks about the dogs, I tell them our small dog is a Great Dane. Amy is a Bull Mastiff.
@ Jj: it's so sad that people can win rabbits as prizes or buy them online (any animals).. most people have no idea what to do and they end up thinking it's a burden to take care of another being that is alive, and the poor animal ends up neglected or abandoned. I didn't get the story of "P" well.. is "P the Bunny" Porthos? If not, what happened to P? Poor bunny... :(

@ Larry: Where is Bunnicula II's blog? I love the names of your buns!
Have you been able to educate your frind on correct bunny care? It's so sad when people are neglectful. :(

Your bunns and dogs are very cute :)
Hello Again!

Thank you to all who are reading this blog! I express great words of thanks... thanks!

Aero and thumper are happily enjoying their "cardboard castle" one at a time though! I'm dying inside from not being able to bond them! I'm hoping to get them neutered as a birthday present:pPorthos and Burley are also enjoying the bunnies! In a good way of course! Porthos is anxiously awaiting his turn to say what he wants. He's actually lying down but I get the vibe.

Side tracking here but does anyone else have to go to school? The summer is almost over here and school is creeping up. I'm entering Grade 7 and frankly not looking forward to it. This year the theme will apparently be "boys" ick. I admire from afar not up close and personal. I guess you want to know some stuff about me.. Well my real name is Josiah, I live in Victoria B.C. ,I'm an only child, I go to a catholic private school. My Grandma lives with me, my mum and my dad. I've currently got my cousin Naomi from England staying with us. I live in a quiet peaceful neighbourhood. The only problem is a cat across the street that believes it can eat Aero and Thumper. Luckily he's really fat so he can't move all that quickly. I'm hoping it will stay away as seeing we have two big dogs and a very angry "slave":p. It's funny how we'll do anything to protect our babies.

Dating back to "P" the bunny. His owner loves him and takes care of him, just not as well as she should.

Well tada! That's the end of today's "entry"

Back to you captains!

Self photo!
I miss the days when I was in school and got a break. Enjoy it while you can. Boys get better as you get older, but don't feel like you have to rush. Boys will be there when you are ready. :)

That's good that you are helping to educate your friend. Some people just don't know how to be good slaves. I think part of being a responsible bunny ambasidor is to help people make good decisions. Joining here is great because there is so much experience to draw from and all kinds of people. I love that there are breeders and rescuers and pet people all together learning from each other.

Please be careful with the cat even if it is fat and slow. Sometimes they can have surprising bursts of speed. Plus, if the hutch is outside the cat may torment the bunnies at night. Rabbits are so delicate they can break their own backs from thumping too hard or have a heart attack just THINKING a preditor can get them even if they are never touched. When I was younger my sister and I had two bunnies. A wild dog came around one evening and scared them to death, it was so sad. The hutch was secure, but they became so hysterical there was no way to calm them down.

Neutering is a wonderful idea! It helps with litter box training (can move them inside then?) and not being so territorial. It also keeps them healthier in the long run.
Hello Again!

@MiniLopHop With our boys I doubt it! With the cat problem the fence surronding them is very high and the cat stayed away after our sprinklers scared the heck out of it. With the neutering thing they have to stay outside my mum's allergic.:(

Aero and Thumper are surely having a blast with life and I with them! I already want more bunnies! Stupid bunnies being so darn cute! By the end of this year those two bunnies will be spoiled so bad! I really want a flemish giant or a mini lop. Well to show my baby boys how much I love them I'm gonna show so many pictures of them.





Got to love the bunbuns

Hello Again!

Back again from the Saanich fair! So many gorgeous bunnies! I so badly want a mini-lop,flemish giant(later in life),polish and tan. Aero and Thumper are recooperating from the heat yesterday. Such angels when they are calm and STILL! They are always moving! Thumper is such a sweetie pie! He simply adores cuddles! Aero is more adventurous and hates being still.

They simply adore me! Or the food in my hand.....

Anyone gonna read my blog?
No well I'll have a conversation with my bunnies.
"Hello Princes!"
"Want a treat?"
"Bites Cage"
"Opens Mouth expextantly"
:Feeds Treat:
"Waits for more"
"Turns around and shows me his nice bumbum"
"Well thank you."

Thumper's Conversation.
Hides in corner.
... :?
:whistling:huh:eek:ldman::hello:what I'm:adorable::no:way!:yes::shock2::elvis2:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Your bunny's are beautiful.
Thank you so much!

Another day another story. Today I'm dedicating a story to Aero...

[align=center]How The World Began[/align]
[align=left]Once upon a time when the world began, God came and created all the animals. He used extra clay to sculpt all the extra feautures, but when it came to the poor bunny,all that was left was a lump. So HE formed the lump gently with careful hands and out came this gorgeous frail creature. HE called it "rabit". He looked over his shoulder and found much to his suprise HE found an extra lump of clay. He had no creatures to tweak so HE approached the rabit. HE began to add the clay to its ears and its ears became so tall and wonderful. He thought all was good until HE realized that "rabit" deserved something more, so HE added another b to its name. Afterwards HE left the rabbit to run around freely, but when it decided it wanted out HE began to realize this creature would not live until it could go out. But the gates were closed and too high to jump. The bunny had no way out. He began to pound the dirt with his paws, the dirt began to sag and form a sort of hole. The rabbit fell into the hole but kept pounding the dirt. After hours a tunnel had formed and the bunny could escape under the gate! As he did Adam and Eve were banished from the kingdom. The rabbit tunneled his way right into those foolish human hearts. God took pity on the humans for they rescued his star animal. But in turn the rabbit got an endless slave.[/align]
[align=left]So dear Aero think of me as I'm cleaning your cage. Try and let me find your way into my heart again![/align]
[align=left]Sincerely all Jj[/align]

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