adoption fees

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Kat Saint J

Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
houston, Texas, USA
Ok there are 7 rabbits on craigs list this morning for my area. Everyone wants a adoption fee. Question is should I pay it or not I have 3 people email me about taking there total of 6 in but everyone want like $50 what should I do take them or not.
Hm that is a hard one i for one think that 50.00 is alot of money for a rabbit that someone doesnt want anymore, and find it hard to think that they arent trying to make a profit off of the rabbit. But on the other hand people make an adoption fee to "try" to ensure the safety of the rabbits, to make sure that they arent going to be snake food, human food, or bought for the entertainment of torture.

I guess it really depends on if you want this particular bunny? Beware that with things like craigslist and freecycles you are not garunteed a healthy rabbit with no problems. So make sure that you thoroughly check out the rabbit and know that you are risking that.

On another note i got my Belle off of craigslist and she was just fine, has the dutch attitude, but other than that she is great, so they all arent bad. The people who i got her off of, besides telling me she was a he,lol, they were charging 20.00 adoption fee, but after corresponding and them feeling that she was gettin a good home they never took the 20.00, which we had and were ready and willing to pay for her.

Good luck and email them and see where it takes you

Oh and another thing be careful when meeting people off of craigslist, or anything like that. Take someone with you, try to do a phone number search to see if number and name match up to what they give you, stay safe and let us all know what you decide,
What does the adoption fee cover? If the rabbit is neutered or vaccinated (do you have vaccs there?) then I'd be more inclined to pay it.

If it's not and the person is doing it to ensure the safety of the rabbit - as suggested above - then offer to pay the money direct to an animal charity instead. You can do that by phoning up in their presence to a charity that takes cards over the phone, writing a cheque made out to a charity or something on similar lines.

Otherwise it may well just be people making it sound nicer when really they mean price not adoption fee. It being easter time as well I'd be more suspicious.

I was suposed to get a bun tonight but the lady never called.

I am getting one on thursday I am having to meet the lady in houston the half way mark other people just wanated to make a buck. The rabbit she is giving me is a male 9 months and was giving to her. So hopefully this works out. My friend was is a 300 pound guy full muscle said he will come with me. He will drive his truck but we are going to give the descrpition of my car. And get the color of hers cause my friend is real iffy
Kat Saint J wrote:
I was suposed to get a bun tonight but the lady never called.

I am getting one on thursday I am having to meet the lady in houston the half way mark other people just wanated to make a buck. The rabbit she is giving me is a male 9 months and was giving to her. So hopefully this works out. My friend was is a 300 pound guy full muscle said he will come with me. He will drive his truck but we are going to give the descrpition of my car. And get the color of hers cause my friend is real iffy

Uh... wot?

Sorry, I am NOT getting this post at your going to deceive the person giving you the rabbit by describing your car, but taking your friends truck..

Yeah that's confidence inspiring..

I've been thinking about this thread for some time today and trying to figure out what I wanted to post. I hope you won't think that I'm being critical when I share some things - but I want to share a few concerns of mine with you - because in some ways - you remind me of me.

One thing that I frequently see happen to people - especially new bunny owners - is the "Gotta get more" syndrome. Bunnies become almost like those potato chips where you can't stop at just one.

When I went to pick up Tiny 3 years ago - I also added Tio & Kyo (Netherland dwarf bucks that were littermates). About a month later I added two more rabbits (lionheads) and a few weeks after that - I added a holland lop.

Then I got into breeding - and in some ways, I was sorta rescuing...someone wanted to donate cages but the buns had to come w/ the I wound up with more buns (of various breeds) that I rehomed at rabbit shows.

But I went into it sort of willy nilly. I wanted to collect bunnies....vs. having a purpose for why I was having them. A bunny needed a home? Sure...I'll just make another cage.

The thing is - I didn't do any research before I got a lot of those rabbits. I didn't realize that different rabbit breeds tend to have different temperaments.

Art refers to that time in our life as "She who has the most buns wins..".

People warned me about it - that I would get to a point where I would get so many that I couldn't pay attention to my heart buns...or that I would burn out.

Sad to say - they were right. No longer could I afford as many treats for my buns 'cause I didn't have the money to buy EVERYBUN treats. I stopped spending as much time WITH them 'cause I had so much cleaning up to do.

I've been reading your posts and seeing you go back and forth on so many things. First you wanted a rescue bun in Beaumont (that isn't ready to leave yet I think)- then you wanted to adopt - then you wanted to foster - then you wanted this or that or another thing.

I've been in your shoes. Trust me - I do understand.

But I really think before you go adding more buns to your home - you need to think to yourself, "Why am I doing this?" and "What do I want?"

Have you seen pictures of these buns you're looking at? Have you thought about the extra care they'll need? Will they need extra space (are they larger breeds)?

If they've been in homes they could be in great health - or not so great health - and you could wind up with a vet bill. Do you have the funds?

I really think it would be best for you to sit down and read more about the different breeds of buns and think about what you're looking for in a bunny. Then spend lots of time looking at pictures...wait till you find the one that "calls out" to you.

Shortly after Tiny died, I went on petfinder to look for another flemish giant....because I knew I could not live without another one. There were several on there - probably some that might have been closer to me (not sure about that) and one that I'd looked at before for a long time (Lolita - I've wanted her since October). But I had to think about the doe I have that would be bonded to the new rabbit an d what would be best for her.

Even once we were approved for adoption - I asked more questions to learn more about the bun...and thought about the answers.

I can honestly say now - that I was right to adopt Zeus. It is working out well.....and I'm glad I did it.

But I put a lot of thought into it - and a lot of time just thinking about what we needed and looking at pictures to find the "right" bun.

Please don't add buns to your family just to collect them - because I will tell you that you will burn out and you won't enjoy them as much. I learned that the hard way....and people on here loved me enough to try and warn me - but I wouldn't listen.

I'm not saying don't get another bunny. I'm saying - make it the RIGHT bunny and be willing to wait for the right one to come available.


I would second the warning about freeads. It's a trend I've noticed more recently and something I'm worried about. People see stories/photos of freead rabbits and the conditions or the owners story makes them want to 'save the rabbit'. Freeads are often more immediate and local than rescues and often people feel that the rabbit needs saving where as a rabbit in rescue is already safe.

However, it can go very very wrong.

Can you quarentine a new rabbit? That means no shared food bowls, litter trays, cleaning equipment. A seperate room, a seperate exercise area, a seperate carrier. Veterinary grade disinfectant etc. etc. Notmany homes are set up to allow this. If not then you are putting your current rabbits at risk.

Can you afford a giant vet bill? You can easily end up with a £500+ vet bill if the rabbit is sick. If a rescue gets a expensive/sick rabbit in they can appeal for funds to help. As an individual you pay your self.

My advice for people considering it would be to go foster/adopt for a rescue. That way you free up a space in the rescue who can then take the rabbits that need saving. They are much better equiped and experienced to do that. If you're worried about a bunny just drop the ad an email with local rescue contacts.


Thanks for everyone concern.

I am that Type of person I take everythign sick need a home or injured. I will only be getting one bunny not sure where from yet but would like another. I am supposed to get one on thursday. Ok I admit the car thing is a little crazy sorry I will not do that. I have a vet in galviston that ripped me off with chevy now i found one on 146 that is real nice she answered my questions. I did do research and I do know that I need to quaritein this new bunny no my husband will not let me get more then one But yes I am that type of person. I will head yall warnings cause for me things can get out of control real fast.

I do still like that bunny in buemont And mabye I will still get her when she is ready.but I do care about alll my kids/animals I do relized that 2 rabbits 2 dogs and 2 cats is more than enough. I just like everyone to have a friend.

Again thank you

I dont see what the problem with telling them you are driving one thing but showing up in something else, to me it is a safety thing. Lets face it you are going to meet a total stranger in a parking lot, and with the crazies out now a days I would take no chances.

There have been incidents people meeting people off of craigslist and some tragic things happening because the people werent who they said they were. That doesnt only go for you but the person who placed the add too, need to take precautions when meeting someone. Safety is number one.

Well whatever you decide good luck. I know that "Gotta get more" feeling with rabbits,lol, they arent like chips because i dont like chips a whole lot they are like Chocolate Chip Cookies, i cant just have one of them


Good luck
Well I have decide she sent me 4 pictures of him.

I will put them up later once I transfer them to my page. he is aEuropean Loppy eared mini. I am starting to look them up right now I know I could wait for shelter bunny but this lady seems to take good care of her rabbit.

He will coriteen in my lving room for 2 weeks and have called my vet to set up a check up
I was supposed to meet a rescue person in a Wal Mart parking lot with 2 pound dogs one time. I gave the description of my vehicle but had a stupid moment and drove animal controls truck to the store. An hour after I got there my cell phone rang - a very unhappy person was waiting for me there as well - but had yet to spot my vehicle...
Well i am going in my car and gave her the desription.

We are meeting at a bass pro shop on a thursday so in a crowded parking lot if i screem someone will hear lol:biggrin2:

and I am going with someone also so I am a little worried but not to worried

And I did relized I do have that feeling but this little bunnys picture are priceless. If I say I am getting another one any time soon just email slap me lol:shock:

Thanks because I would of ended up with 4 or 5 before I relized this boy is my limit.

I have 2 of every thing that is it for me


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