Accidentally stuck myself.

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Hey :)

I am an idiot. I know I'm an idiot and I knew what I was doing and what was going to happen. :expressionless

I've never given a shot before.

I had to give the goat a shot of ivermectin last night. I didn't want anyone to get the needle and of course I decided to break it. As it bent, it hit my thumb and I got a tiny prick from it. I bled it, used alcohol on it and then came home and used paroxide.

Anyone know if this is all ok or should I call the doc? I can't even really see it today but I can feel it a bit.

Did I mention I'm an idiot?
Happened to my neighbour too when we were injecting cattle, she just washed it off and it was fine.
LOL! pam, You are one of the peopleI was actually hoping would answer! I thought of pming you but you are so busy with school I wasn't sure if you'd be around! So I just posted here :)


Darned critters! LOL!

Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! pam, You are one of the peopleI was actually hoping would answer! I thought of pming you but you are so busy with school I wasn't sure if you'd be around! So I just posted here :)


Darned critters! LOL!

I'm procrastinating - I should be cramming for A&P Lecture Mid-Terms today, but am getting over saturated and simply don't want to look at the stuff anymore.

HA! Sounds like me thinking about cleaning my house.

I was supposed to work today but she messaged she'd like to have me clean Thursday this week...... Worked for me! I went back to bed for a bit.
LOL - they're right, it's no problem at all. The scare is whats the worst. I do recall the first time I stuck myself giving a dog it's shots. I was sure I was in trouble... Later on at Animal Control I had a more severe stick but that turned out ok as well. All I can say is thank God as a Paramedic I've never made such a serious blunder though.
I have stuck myself afterI gave the bunny the injection ; bled it and never had a problem

No I did not come down with pasturella or head tilt

As an RN I have stuck myself with needles from humans

far scarier than an animal
LOL! I must be VERY tired.....

I just saw the name of this thread on the main page...... clicked on it thinking "hmmm wonder what happened to *who*.........." DUHHHHHHHHH! LMBO!

I am fine..... and I certainly would be far more concerned if it were human!

Goat's fine too...... she's a case!
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Anyone know if this is all ok or should I call the doc?
The good thing is that you should be free of mites and worms? :biggrin2:

No more flaky skin behind the ears.

:big wink:
You're all so funny LOL!

Too bad it can't help the "flakey brain between the ears!"........ :blushan:
On Friday I did the same thing! Except the needle hadn't been used yet. I accidentally stabbed myself. Now it's bruised around the spot It punctured through the skin. Oh well. :p

Glad your okay!
Oh yeah ivermectin is actually used in humans in some cases. I work in biomedical sciences and I had a friend stick herself with a drug they use to induce Parkinson's--that was a scary moment for her! Luckily the antidote was nearby, and not a lot can be transferred just from sticking with the needle.

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