? about basic Medical Care and worming.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
Sull Co, New York, USA
Hi, I am new to this Are there any Meds or supplements I am suppose to give on a Regular schd to my Rabbits?

Anything I need to watch out for?

Do I need to worm them?

No suppliments. If they have a good variety of pellets, hay, water and as adults veggies and fruit (just a little) they should be fine. And will thrive. I do give a suppliment of fresh wheat grass because of it's intense mineral content.

Just observe your bunnies and get to know them. You will see anything odd right away. If they are shaking their heads, scratching a lot, it could be ear mites so that needs to be treated right way. It can cause spinning and head tilt.

Runny nose, see what color it is. This could be a cold or allergies. Best bet is to get yourself a Rabbit Savvy vet so that you can call and discuss symptoms.

You know your bunnies better than anyone. Believe me, you will know if there is something wrong or not just right.

Wishing you all the luck and Welcome again to the forum.

K :)
Thats what I figured, Just like to ask and get others input. Thanks a lot of sorry if I ask some dumb questions ovet the next couple weeks.

Do Bunnies need to be wormed, I have safe guard in the barn.
If your bunnies spend time outside on the grass, they'll most likely need to be treated for mites, fleas, and worms.

Many members here use Revolution (Selamectin) or Advantage (imidocloprid) for mites/fleas. I understand Ivermectin works too, but I understand certain breeds can have a bad reaction to it. Pretty sure Dutch is one of them.

For worms, Panacur (Fenbendazole) works fine. Make sure you have the right dosage.

Hope that helps!

A much safer alternative for handling parasites in rabbits is diatomaceous earth, as it is for just about any animal. Some people even say that humans should eat it, but I think that's a little much.
diatomaceous earth I have another post asking about this, I am adding it to the diet.

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