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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, , United Kingdom
This morning I had an appointment to see the doctor- I need to talk to him about the possibility of driving on good days and what he thinks about it, and to get my medical certificates sorted. We were running late, so we dashed out the house, hopped in the car and......

Steve's battery had died! :grumpy:

I had to call up and cancel- and they didn't have anything until next Thursday- which just delays everything even more.

AAAAAND, this is the worst one- remember I was due to have my wisdom teeth out at the hospital? I had finally got an appointment for this coming Tuesday to go in as a day case- I'd go in at 7.30 am, have a general anaesthetic and go home at about 3ish. Sorted! I couldn't wait!

Then they called me yesterday for me pre-op assessment- are you allergic to anything, what previous operations have you had, etc etc. Then they call me back an hour later and say that the aneasthetist isn't happy to have me in as a day case with my previous health record, so they want to admit me onto a ward and I presume have me stay in overnight. Overnight? Just for my..... blinkin wisdom teeth? Talk about overreacting! :grumpy:

So they have cancelled my appointment for Tuesday, and they have to re-refer me back to the oral surgery department, so that they can make a new date for my surgery as an inpatient. That'll probably take months more, when I've been waiting since December already! :grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::grumpy:

And, to make a morning even worse, I decided to wash up and dropped the wooden chopping board right on the end of my middle finger :shock: I can't tell you exactly what I said because I'll be edited but I was NOT a happy bunny!

Thank you :)

I'm just so frustrated about my teeth appointment because I've been waiting all this time and then they cancel it 4 days before. If they had done a quick pre-op assessment back when I saw the consultant in February they could have decided then and I'd be on my way to an appointment soon!

I really hope they get it sorted soon- I'm going to call on Monday, but it's that balance of do you wait for them to eventually remember and let you know or do you bug the crap out of them until they can't stand the sound of your name because you're constantly on the phone?!

Oh that would drive me crazy too - especially when you are trying to "prep" yourself for such an appointment, you know talk yourself into it! I've dealt with this before and it's a pain in the rear. OUCH about the cutting board, I can imagine that hurt bad enough to cause a bad word or two.. or three. Is your finger alright?
Don't you just want to scream? Those kind of things drive me nuts! I like knowing my schedule and if I have something to do - I want to get it DONE!
Make that a lot more than 3 lol! Steve wondered what on earth was going on while I was banging and shouting in the kitchen! My finger is ok, just feels a bit bruised. I also managed to slice the finger next to it yesterday trying to destone an avocado- the knife slipped! :shock: Luckily there wasn't a drop of blood though! Yeah, I had a brilliant day lol...

I am so annoyed about my op, too. It's worse because if they re-schedule it soon, we're going away in 2 weeks to stay up north for my nan and grandad's 60th wedding anniversary, so I might end up missing that, or I'm going away at the end of April with my friends and I don't want to miss that! What are the chances they'll want to re-schedule it for then? :grumpy:

It takes long enough to arrange appointments like that these days without other things like that getting in the way lol!

Luckily, the swelling went down on my wisdom teeth the other day finally, but for months now it's been sooo painful. I just can't wait to get them out!

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