A lump on the underside of Pebbles

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada
Yesterday when I was grooming Pebbles, I felt something weird. I'm pretty sure it was a nipple, but it didn't feel like the others. I can feel Pebbles nipples easily even if I'm just petting her. It was atiny bit morehard and a different shape. But samegeneralsize. It was more risen then the other nipples. It was almost like wart?I was worried about mastitis, but the specific nipple(?)isn't the least bit blue or inflamed. I know mastitis is common with lactating does, but I've also heard they could get this if they are having a false pregnancy?

Any ideas of what this might be? It's located behind her left front leg, sort ofon her underside/side. I got a quick feel last night, but I'll try to get another look and feel in a few minutes. I might be able to get a picture of it.

Could it just be a different shaped nipple, or a wart? I really don't know.
Get a closer look at it if you can. If it's enlarged, I would have the vet check it out. Mammary cancer is not uncommon in rabbits and usually begins with an enlarged,infected nipple.

Hoping in this case that it's nothing serious.

I just had a good look and I felt the odd one and the others. It's not enlarged, it just seems to be a different shape and a bit more firm. It's hard to describe.It's sort of like a balloon that's lost all it's air compared to the other ones.

My batteries for my camera needs to be recharged, but would a picture maybe help?
It might be hard to tell from a photo. I would have a vet take a look at it if you feel something is abnormal.

Alright. I'll see how clear a shot I get tomorrow and maybe post it.

I'll just keep aclose eye on it and monitor it. It doesn't seem enlarged or infected at the moment, but I'll just keep checking. If anything changes, I'll be sure to make a vet appointment.

Thanks for your help and suggestions:).


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