A day with Barney x

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
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, , United Kingdom
I am going to start writing about what i've done with Barney. I'm going to edit it everyday(nearly).


Today I fed Barneyand gave him a cuddle. Later on i gave him a walk and which i got really stressed about for some reason, then i saw a cat wandering round at the back of the garden which told me why. After that i toook him over to a big patch of clover which we seemed to love, then we went to the over to his run and we put his nose on something, went to wash himslef and his whiskers stuck together!! So i took him down to the house and washed him up whcih he wasn't fond of(he never is when it concerns his whiskers, he is quite fussy with that). I took him back to hsi run where he was happy hopping and binkying around.

I'll write again tomorrow after school if i can and ifI have done anything exciting with Barney. Bye bye!
From Spanner & Barney x:biggrin:

Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


yeah he is scared of the wind but i don't mind, if hje is extremely occupied by somethign then he is ok lol
not binkying, getting scared!!! i've taken somne pictures and i am hoping to put them up tomorrow if i can find out how to! lol
i have made these for breeders on RO, hope you like them!


there you go!
barney has been spooky recently, it is weird. yesterday he was trying to get out-i guessed he was saw a wild rabbit. Today he was scared stiff at all the cats. an hour ago there was a cat in the garden and barney was trembling with fear and he was ready to run any second. but luickily i scared the cat away before it started stalking Barney.
i cleaned barney out n monday and i had put his lead on and let him eat the grass for a while i was busy. but gpot bored, and then i gave him a piece of newspaper(as in oone of thoise double pages) and it was kinda windy so he was going ballistic with this pievce of paper!!! in about 2mins he had ripped it into shreds. theres gotta be a world record for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it had been raining one night and when i went to see barnye before school you could tell pulled a barney and stayed outside in the rain instead of going into his shelter. it was so funny, because his scruff and this really really fluffy buit of fur just infront of his ears had gone all curlky in the weather!!!! i nick-named him curly, but only in a jokey way, and when he is still really wet his fur spikles up!(my little orange hedgehog! lol, no he's my bunny baby!) but still though, it was funny.
once it had been raining and he had to go to he vets with bhis fur all spikey because he wouldnt let me dry him with a towel.and the car stank of wet rabbit, which is a bit like wet dog actually but nolt as strong. still though,ive had gd times with my little bunny and im gonna take up rabbit hopping/jumping with him!
i am thinking of taking up rabbit jumping with barney.
i am starting with him just going over the pots i am using for stands and putting a small pole on the ground inbetween. he is doing really well. i have managed to get him to jump around6-7inches high a while back.
funnybunnymommy does rabbit jumping with her gus, it looks like a lot of fun. great job for him on doing it so far! good luck with that
no problem :) theres another girl on here who does it on a team.

You should see if there's anyone local, a club perhaps, who you could learn from too
btw, you photoshopping is nice, do you do anything other than edit?
on what? the birth certificates? i look on the internet for websites like another one and i use a manipulation website to cut out the rabbits and then use a photo edit programme o use the text for the funky writing lol. then just code it for the img to put in the forum! lol
well as in do you draw or just edit everything and peice it together
random picture, colour it in a colour i want.
cut out a rabbit picture and stick it on
do the text
get it coded
all done digitally
barne has just jumped 25cm!!!!!!!!!
omg i am so pleased, considering he is only a netherland dwarf o he's tiny he has jumped high :D
i wanna say well done for barney to be jumping that high as he does try hard!
he is jumping around 2-3inches higher than lkast time whic i am so pleased about! he's catching up with me and my horse riding(jumping around 1ft)

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